Avro Arrow
In Canada, we have a company called Public Mobile that doesn't allow tethering either but they also have by far the lowest prices on everything in the country. My 3.5" Android phone cost me all of $79 (no contract required), I'm paying $35CAD per month for unlimited Provincial Voice/Int'l Text/Voicemail and unlimited Data usage. They'll up it to $45 per month in 6 months but I'll drop the voicemail (since I never use it anyway, I just use text for messages) and it will be $38 per month then. It's ok for a company to say that tethering isn't allowed as long as they make it worth it not to do so. I'm happy as a pig in $*** with Public Mobile even though I'm not allowed to tether. There's plenty of WiFi hotspots all over the place in major cities anyway so it's not like it's some huge inconvenience.