Can anyone name one thing that was made cheaper, faster, or more efficient under federal control than private sector?
Yep. Water. Electricity. Garbage service, in municipalities that aren't overseen by a commercial one. I've lived in cities that have been set up either way, and the ones controlled by the city are MUCH more efficient and usually way cheaper.
In fact, if you look at any comparisons, having a service provided by the government is nearly always both cheaper and better quality than a company, because they care far less about profit - meaning they don't cheap out on quality and give you a product that's so sub-par it should be a joke.
Just look at the internet services started by towns that have since been legislated out of action by the ISPs - they were faster for far less money, AND outages were fixed nearly immediately, AND there was actual customer service, rather than what you get when you call one of the big ISPs.