Question Feel like im being bottlenecked? More info

Feb 27, 2019
So as of right now I have an RTX 2080 with an i5-8400 cpu. I play at 1080p 144hz. I do not really want to upgrade to 1440p because I like playing at high settings and high framerates. My question is will there be alot of bottlenecking if i use my current RTX 2080 and get an i7-8700k and still play at 1080p 144hz?
Ok, so getting a 8700K/8600K/9600K/9700K would be an improvement however you'll want a Z370/Z390 motherboard to pair with them as you'll need a overclock to get those high FPS @1080P.
Okay so my question would be why wouldnt I get high fps without overclocking? Is it because of the 1080p monitor?
Okay so my question would be why wouldnt I get high fps without overclocking? Is it because of the 1080p monitor?
It is because of the monitor, at lower resolutions the gaming load falls more towards the CPU then GPU and the CPU controls FPS for the most part. That's why when you see comparisons for example like the Ryzen 2600 vs 8700K @1080P the 8700K wipes the floor with 2600 but when you go to 4K the gaming load shifts more towards the GPU and the difference between the 2600 & 8700K becomes much closer because of that.
It is because of the monitor, at lower resolutions the gaming load falls more towards the CPU then GPU and the CPU controls FPS for the most part. That's why when you see comparisons for example like the Ryzen 2600 vs 8700K @1080P the 8700K wipes the floor with 2600 but when you go to 4K the gaming load shifts more towards the GPU and the difference between the 2600 & 8700K becomes much closer because of that.
Ah okay. I really believe I get it now. So one last question. How do you think a RTX 2080 paired with i7-8700 using 1440p at 144hz will work from now and for a few years? Especially in the upcoming Triple A games?
Ah okay. I really believe I get it now. So one last question. How do you think a RTX 2080 paired with i7-8700 using 1440p at 144hz will work from now and for a few years? Especially in the upcoming Triple A games?
Depends on the game, FPS style games with some tweaking would probably run at 144hz ok but open world games like AC: Odyssey are tough to run above 60 FPS without greatly sacrificing the detail or a pretty beefy system.

If I had your CPU/GPU combo I'd game @3440x1440P/100hz.
Cpu sets fps limit. Gpu controls resolution and settings. Resolution doesn't affect the cpu at all, it pre-renders the game code, sends it to the gpu. Gpu paints the picture.

If a cpu was capable of 200fps, sends it to a 2080 at 1080p, you'll get that 200fps and the gpu is barely working hard at all. Cpu capped at 200fps, gpu capable of more.
Same setup at 1440p, that's 1.7x as many pixels as 1080p, so gpu now breaking a sweat to get 150fps. Cpu still capable of 200fps, gpu not.
Same setup at 4k, that's 4x 1080p, gpu burning up to get 60fps on screen, cpu still capable of 200fps but is now on a smoke break waiting on the gpu.

None of that is an actual bottleneck, both gpu and cpu working as intended. If anything is a bottleneck, it's the game in question, Anthem being hard on a pc, cs:go not at all.