file encryption


Aug 6, 2002
help... recently i formatted my hdd n reinstall windows. i have several encrpyted files which i hav backed up. When i try to open it , ntgs come out. what happened? can someone teach me how to open it as the file is important to me. thanx

Regards ,
Unfortunately, it's impossible. If you used NTFS encryption, then reformatted without un-encrypting your files, you're pretty much out of luck.

Here's a reference from the Anandtech forums.
<A HREF="" target="_new"></A>
converting the disk back to ntfs will work.

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No, sir ... that probably won't help. If the user was able to previously encrypt the files before the format, then NTFS was already being used, since files can't be encrypted in FAT32 without using a third-party tool.

<A HREF=";en-us;255742" target="_new">Methods for Recovering Encrypted Data Files</A>


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