Over the years, I’ve saved my old IDE hard drives, and now I’d like to transfer the data to my new SSD. I purchased an IDE to USB 2.0 adapter, set my old IDE drive jumper to “SLAVE,” and plugged everything in, but I can’t get File Manager to find the old IDE drive. (Yes, I’ve attached the power cable.)
Under Device Manager, I can see that the old IDE drive is recognized correctly as WDC WD40, and under Properties, it tells me the current driver is installed and the device is working properly.
When I check the Disk Manager, I see that my old IDE drive shows up as Disk 5, Dynamic, and Invalid. If I right click, I get the option to convert to “Basic Disk,” but then it tells me everything will be erased.
Any suggestions on how to set this up properly so I can access my files?
Under Device Manager, I can see that the old IDE drive is recognized correctly as WDC WD40, and under Properties, it tells me the current driver is installed and the device is working properly.
When I check the Disk Manager, I see that my old IDE drive shows up as Disk 5, Dynamic, and Invalid. If I right click, I get the option to convert to “Basic Disk,” but then it tells me everything will be erased.
Any suggestions on how to set this up properly so I can access my files?