[SOLVED] File Manager can't recognize old IDE drive


Mar 6, 2011
Over the years, I’ve saved my old IDE hard drives, and now I’d like to transfer the data to my new SSD. I purchased an IDE to USB 2.0 adapter, set my old IDE drive jumper to “SLAVE,” and plugged everything in, but I can’t get File Manager to find the old IDE drive. (Yes, I’ve attached the power cable.)

Under Device Manager, I can see that the old IDE drive is recognized correctly as WDC WD40, and under Properties, it tells me the current driver is installed and the device is working properly.

When I check the Disk Manager, I see that my old IDE drive shows up as Disk 5, Dynamic, and Invalid. If I right click, I get the option to convert to “Basic Disk,” but then it tells me everything will be erased.

Any suggestions on how to set this up properly so I can access my files?
Wouldn't setting the old IDE as the "Master" create a hiccup? I already have the OS on a SSD -- I'm only trying to harvest the files from the old IDE drive -- I have no intention of re-using the old IDE once I've copied the old files onto my new SSD.
The Master/Slave is irrelevant in the context of a SATA drive, and this IDE going through the adapter.
Does this happen with every IDE drive you connect? How do you power said IDE drives? Old drives tend to be quite power-hungry...
Being concerned about causing irreparable damage, I've only tried this with one hard drive. The power source is a plug-in power supply that came as part of the IDE adapter kit.
You should select "Master", not "Slave".
Wouldn't setting the old IDE as the "Master" create a hiccup? I already have the OS on a SSD -- I'm only trying to harvest the files from the old IDE drive -- I have no intention of re-using the old IDE once I've copied the old files onto my new SSD.
Wouldn't setting the old IDE as the "Master" create a hiccup? I already have the OS on a SSD -- I'm only trying to harvest the files from the old IDE drive -- I have no intention of re-using the old IDE once I've copied the old files onto my new SSD.
The Master/Slave is irrelevant in the context of a SATA drive, and this IDE going through the adapter.
Set it to Master. If that doesn't work, try Cable Select.
So I've now tried setting it as "Master" and "Cable Select" as well. I still get the same as when setting it as "Slave": it shows up as Disk 5, Dynamic, and Invalid. It powers up nicely - no clicking or weird noises.

I'll try another old IDE now and report back.
Thanks for your responses and suggestions, everyone!

I believe the drive is corrupt -- I discovered that my other drives work using this same IDE to USB adapter. Sorry for the frustration!