D djmecares Jan 5, 2019 1 0 10 Jan 5, 2019 #1 I can't copy files from my laptop because if I transfer it to any different flash drives it becomes corrupted. How to fix this? Please help me.
I can't copy files from my laptop because if I transfer it to any different flash drives it becomes corrupted. How to fix this? Please help me.
Solution USAFRet Jan 5, 2019 djmecares : I can't copy files from my laptop because if I transfer it to any different flash drives it becomes corrupted. How to fix this? Please help me. Either you have a bunch of bad flash drives, or a bad USB port, or the data is already corrupt.
djmecares : I can't copy files from my laptop because if I transfer it to any different flash drives it becomes corrupted. How to fix this? Please help me. Either you have a bunch of bad flash drives, or a bad USB port, or the data is already corrupt.
USAFRet Titan Moderator Mar 16, 2013 177,391 20,793 184,590 Jan 5, 2019 Solution #2 djmecares : I can't copy files from my laptop because if I transfer it to any different flash drives it becomes corrupted. How to fix this? Please help me. Either you have a bunch of bad flash drives, or a bad USB port, or the data is already corrupt. Upvote 0 Downvote Solution
djmecares : I can't copy files from my laptop because if I transfer it to any different flash drives it becomes corrupted. How to fix this? Please help me. Either you have a bunch of bad flash drives, or a bad USB port, or the data is already corrupt.