Its long past the time we need to just quit litening to certain people, whether cbs,nbc or abc is pouring it into our ears or not, oh, and hollowood too
Democrat or republican it doesn't matter. I just wish more people would realize this so we could get people in office who didn't grow up with a silver spoon up their ass.
The bottom line is both parties are gonna screw you over, only difference between them is how they do it.
Michael Savage always reminds me that George Washington said that the party system will tear the United States apart, which anyone with common sense can see that is has and continues to do. IMO the parties should be scrapped and replaced with ideologies like conservative, libertarian, socialist and so on so that we can vote more on the issues rather than Republican and Democratic frauds running as one thing and being another while in office.
Was watching some jazz on some political channel before I went to bed last night. It appears Mr. President is playing the blame game...."The republicans have created this issue/hole/recession" (something like that). I was thrown off for a few femptoseconds and then I realized...well things really aren't so different after all. Let's go hypothetical and say the republicans did cause this issue, so what?; fix it. I have a feeling he won't make a second appearance, but alas I'll retreat back into my hole in the ground and watch in amusement as people bicker (in vain) about politics until election day.
obama can lose easilly if he is put up against a libertarian or moderate republican like rand paul or christ chirstie. he will win against a dip like palin or 2 cents