This gen is all about remake/remaster.... and AAA titles will find the most expensive way to charge you. I won't be surprised if it cost $60USD per episode.
Thanks god FF is another series that i have no interest in.
A lot of the remakes lately, I don't mind. Let's be honest, the original FF7 has NOT aged well. A lot of games from that era haven't. It's nice to bring old classics up to date with a new coat of paint.
In the case of games that are less than 5 years old being remastered twice over already, that's a petty money-grab. But games over a decade old, games nearly two decades old, yeah, a remake is pretty nice to see.
And games that old, there are no reusable assets. It has to be completely rebuilt from scratch. MAYBE you can keep the VO work, but that's not common, and doesn't save that much money. Remaking games this old is just as expensive as making any other game. So, if this came out and the whole "experience" was $60, that's fine. That's standard AAA pricing for a AAA game that's had to be completely made from scratch. But if it costs a cent more, it's just manipulating and gouging a loyal fanbase because they know there are a lot of people that would pay anything.
This gen is all about remake/remaster.... and AAA titles will find the most expensive way to charge you. I won't be surprised if it cost $60USD per episode.
Thanks god FF is another series that i have no interest in.
A lot of the remakes lately, I don't mind. Let's be honest, the original FF7 has NOT aged well. A lot of games from that era haven't. It's nice to bring old classics up to date with a new coat of paint.
In the case of games that are less than 5 years old being remastered twice over already, that's a petty money-grab. But games over a decade old, games nearly two decades old, yeah, a remake is pretty nice to see.
And games that old, there are no reusable assets. It has to be completely rebuilt from scratch. MAYBE you can keep the VO work, but that's not common, and doesn't save that much money. Remaking games this old is just as expensive as making any other game. So, if this came out and the whole "experience" was $60, that's fine. That's standard AAA pricing for a AAA game that's had to be completely made from scratch. But if it costs a cent more, it's just manipulating and gouging a loyal fanbase because they know there are a lot of people that would pay anything.
Jacob_23 I couldn't agree more. As much as I want this to succeed and want to believe in Square-Enix that they'll surprise me, it's at the back of my head that they are looking just to make money and these "extras" are just a show for money that has no added value and isn't really extra. I don't really understand why they would need to make three episodes, when they could just have it in the same game, add a little addition to it and then make another episode afterwards.Here's how I see this story playing out (I'l start at the very beginning):
FF VII is released in 1997. It's one of the most incredible games to date and immensely popular with console gamers. For the next 18 years, fans scream for a remake on a more powerful system. Square cries, "No! It's too hard! It would take too long!" The fans keep screaming. Finally, after Square Enix has milked all of its other franchises to death (seriously, how many remixes of Kingdom Hearts can you have?) and totally distorted its demographic from all gamers to angsty pre-teens and anime freaks, they determine that they haven't made a decent game in years and should probably listen to their fans. E3 2015 rolls around, and Final Fantasy 7 "Remake" is announced. The fans go wild. From there, Square announces that the official title will be Final Fantasy 7 Remake (because Square, in their infinite wisdom, noticed the fans cheered the most at the word "remake", and therefore thought it would be a good name). They completely change the combat system and will likely change Cloud from the hilariously smart-alecky punk he was in the original into a pathetic emo kid (a false characterization that has been perpetuated by garbage like Advent Children and Kingdom Hearts and isn't likely to change now). The fans' faces start to droop, and then Square Enix announces the cherry on the crap cake: it will be released episodically! You can pay three extra times for a game that you originally bought in its entirety on three discs for the Playstation. No additional story is added except for a bunch of garbage fetch quests, and the actual playable story line will be similar in length (approximately 15 to 20 hours for an experienced player) to the original, resulting in a shameless attempt to force consumers to fork out more money for a game that isn't at all what they meant when they asked for a "remake." The game itself is released after several more painful announcements and receives a lukewarm reception from gamers and reviewers alike. The consensus is that the graphical and audio updates are amazing, but the story is ruined by a terribly written script further tarnished by second-rate voice actors, and the new game just isn't as much fun as the old one. Sales for the first episode are great in spite of the review, mostly from anime freaks, children (or their parents, rather), and fans so loyal that they want to at least give Square the benefit of the the doubt. After that, the sales fall steeply for the next episodes due to massive disappointment. Yoshinori Kitase comes forward and says, "See, the fans didn't really want that FF VII remake. We were right all along."
That, or it sells billions upon billions of copies and Square uses it as an excuse to make more crap. I was so excited for the remake, but the more I hear about it, the less I want it.