bottom-bottom!! I've been thinking that for years! After reading through a web page, I am at the bottom of the page and that is when I want to find the new tab. Got tri-focals and it takes me a while to get from the bottom to the top. That is the time when the new page, selected from the tab on the bottom should be coming up. Stop thinking like a Micro-Soft knock off mimicking the menu and tool bar are at the top. And if there is only one tab shouldn't it disappear? at least until the mouse floats over it. as a matter of fact shouldn't all the tabs disappear unless the tab is over them? You won the war to convince everyone tabs are a good idea, get over it, have the courage to make them disappear when they hog screen space. [citation][nom]tolham[/nom]i'd like to keep mine right where they are, thank you.[/citation]