Nice Article if your Windows 10 User. But I for 1 think Windows 10 Sucks totally! We Have 3 Computers in this house, My Desktop, called the Video Editing Beast, It has Linux Mint 19 Tara and Windows 7 Pro, then there is the Laptop Hooked to our HD TV, I runs Linux Mint 18.3 Cinnamon and Windows 10. Then we have a Laptop set on a Folding wooden table, it is older HP Model, 32 Bit and I have it running Linux Mint 19 Tara. Usage on all 3 machines on the desktop, Linux Mint gets used about 80% of the time, Windows the rest, on the TV Computer, windows gets about 70% and Linux mint gets the rest. And HP laptop, since Linux Mint 19 Tara has came out, that is all it runs, when I got it had Windows 8 running on it, that was worse that Windows 10. But Windows 10 is still the worst Operating System ever made in My Opinion. The update procedure is nuts as compared to Linux Mint. Updating A Windows 10 computer takes about 20 to 30 minutes of time, Linux mint, I may Install updates 3 times a day and it does not effect my workflow.