News Firefox user loses 7,470 opened tabs saved over two years after they can’t restore browsing session

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she keeps all those tabs open because she likes “to scroll back and see clusters of tabs from months ago — it’s like a trip down memory lane on whatever I was doing/learning about/thinking about.”
I don't think i have enough free time to do that.
I mean that's a novel way of combining history and bookmarks! Very clever (or not so clever).

I personally use the workspaces feature in Vivaldi and I can still bookmark sets of tabs into specific tasks/research/funnies in both.

But if someone were to wipe out my bookmarks in all of the places then I'd be sorely pissed off.
So, apparently ignoring this for 2 years?
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I have 4-5 tabs I keep open all of the time and I update as normal, Firefox is set to auto-restore the session when it restarts. I assumed that was the case with this story also, and they got lost when it failed to restore eventually. I'd be impressed if Firefox was running for 2+ years with over 7,000 tabs and didn't crash!

It will usually auto-restore.

Not something I'd trust for "years".
I thought that Firefox has a feature that it remembers recently closed tabs for a time, that's how I get around closing tabs on accident.

That being said, at that point, if they require that many tabs, save a chunk as sessions and name them, that's insane for number of tabs.
I drag tabs to the bookmarks section labeled computer and every 6 months or less I (export)save bookmarks to two different places(HD, flash). A number of times I go back to an old site and it is no longer there. Also old utube music need to be updated to a new one. I sill use Firefox even though Google browser will auto save everything.
How much RAM would you need to have 7000+ tabs open at the same time?

On my system the average YouTube tab uses 400MB of memory, so 7000 tabs would need 2.8TB of RAM.

The average web page (such as a news site) uses 200MB of memory, so 7000 tabs would need 1.4TB of RAM.
How much RAM would you need to have 7000+ tabs open at the same time?

On my system the average YouTube tab uses 400MB of memory, so 7000 tabs would need 2.8TB of RAM.

The average web page (such as a news site) uses 200MB of memory, so 7000 tabs would need 1.4TB of RAM.
A while ago, I tried this.

Once I got to 600-700+ tabs, things started to fail.
This was with 32GB RAM.

But...completely inactive tabs don't really use much, if any, RAM. They are not actively doing anything.
A tab displaying a utube video, that goes directly to the next, and next.,...that is different Lots of RAM for that particular tab.
I think having more than about 10 taps open is crazy, so to me, she is nuts... I kept thinking " is this a late April Fools joke? .... and why the hell isn't she backing these up?? The whole story has too many holes in it, so I assume it was a planted story to show just how great their browser handles large number of bookmarks because otherwise it makes no sense.
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