firegl 9000 Problem



Archived from groups: alt.comp.periphs.videocards.ati,,comp.sys.laptops (More info?)

I have an IBM ThinkPad T40p with an ATI FireGL 9000 card running the latest
drivers from the IBM Website. I fooled around with both the mobility modder
to add Catalyst drivers and the Omega drivers. However, I was not pleased
with the results and uninstalled. Now here is the problem. When I open the
laptop from hibernation it shows "static lines" on screens. These lines
look like snow on an old TV.
Can anyone suggest the cause and cure?


Archived from groups: alt.comp.periphs.videocards.ati,,comp.sys.laptops (More info?)

Mark W. wrote:
> I have an IBM ThinkPad T40p with an ATI FireGL 9000 card running the
> latest drivers from the IBM Website. I fooled around with both the
> mobility modder to add Catalyst drivers and the Omega drivers.
> However, I was not pleased with the results and uninstalled. Now
> here is the problem. When I open the laptop from hibernation it
> shows "static lines" on screens. These lines look like snow on an
> old TV.
> Can anyone suggest the cause and cure?
> Thanks
> Mark

Check that you have selected the correct monitor - LCD panel, and that
you have not inadvertently selected other than a 60hz refresh rate in
the FireGL properties. Try setting all props to Default.

Archived from groups: alt.comp.periphs.videocards.ati,,comp.sys.laptops (More info?)

Mark W. wrote:
> I have an IBM ThinkPad T40p with an ATI FireGL 9000 card running the
> latest drivers from the IBM Website. I fooled around with both the
> mobility modder to add Catalyst drivers and the Omega drivers.
> However, I was not pleased with the results and uninstalled. Now
> here is the problem. When I open the laptop from hibernation it
> shows "static lines" on screens. These lines look like snow on an
> old TV.
> Can anyone suggest the cause and cure?
> Thanks
> Mark

Sorry, I misread your post. With all the experimentation you've done,
I'm suspicious that all of the changes in the ATI driver/kernel might
not have been removed when you reinstalled the IBM ATI driver. I would
try removing the ATI driver from safe mode and rebooting at least once
from a standard VGA driver, and then reinstall the IBM ATI driver. If
incorrect kernel data or registry entries are hanging around, a sort of
clean reinstall might correct the problem. You might inquire from IBM's
site how to do a clean reinstall of the ATI driver, if there is a KB on

Alternatively, you might do a system restore from before you started the
experiments. That might be easier and cleaner overall.