First 1080p gaming PC. Needs evaluation and criticism.

Zahin Jawad

Apr 24, 2015
Hey guys. I am on my way to build my first gaming PC. I am hyped as hell. Since I am a little low in knowledge for these kind of stuff,I wanted to ask this community. It would be cool if I could shed a few extra bucks from this build(I would like to keep Core I7). Thanks in advance.
Asus Z97-A ATX LGA1150 Motherboard has an onboard USB 3.0 header, but the Thermaltake VL80001W2Z ATX Mid Tower Case does not have front panel USB 3.0 ports.

Unable to verify the Thermaltake VL80001W2Z ATX Mid Tower Case and the Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler are compatible.

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Personally, I'd drop down to an i5 4690K
and get a cheaper motherboard, and go up
to a GTX 980.

Aspiring techie April 24, 2015 4:35:07 AM

Hmmm. But wouldn't a GTX 980 be a waste for 1080p?
Drop down to an i5-4690k and consider a better cooler for a higher possible overclock.
Get a 250GB SSD as a boot drive.
Drop the HDD to a Blue series, but bump it to 2-3TB for extra storage.
Get a better case as that one is pretty basic.
Consider a 120hz or 144hz monitor.
Get faster memory as the price difference is minimal.

Mobo is fine. There are cheaper ones, but ASUS is top notch, so you are paying a bit more for higher quality.
GPU is fine. IMO, the preformance increase from a 970 to a 980 doesn't warrant the large expense.
I can't really go over this budget. I want a core i7 to do some video editing and 3d rendering. I thought of getting R9 290 and R9 280x but I heard they have heat issues and R9 280x won't cut it for long. A few seconds extra doesn't matter to me. I don't do online gaming for one. As for a better Cooler,HDD & Case,any recommendation?