[First Build] Building my first computer would appreciate advice on part recommendations and opinions thanks! :)


Jun 16, 2015
(Introduction: )
Hi there firstly I am sorry for the reading you will have to endure and apologize if this is in the wrong category it seemed like it was in the correct one for my needs.
I will start of with I am currently on a really old laptop which is slowly dying on me and plan on building a custom pc which would be my first meant for streaming videos and such but also mainly playing video games. I would like opinions on parts to buy with reasoning of why I should get them. Now I am not the most wealthy person and I had planned on keeping this build under $1000 dollars of which I have used around $150 dollars so in total my Budget is around $850 this is probably alot because I have this mentality that gaming pcs are expensive even when I dont do anything too hardcore so overall the cheaper it is the happier I will be as long as it is a bit more than the average of what I require and I will be one happy camper. I am not super savy when it comes to building a computer more than my way around one so I would like reasoning and personal opinions behind the choices you have given please.

(Tower Case:Bought)
I have currently bought a Tower case which comes with fans built in.

I chose this case because I found it both ascetically appealing and it seemed to have an assortment of fans to help cool it, besides the fact it was cheaper at the time and had some decent/good reviews. I have received the case already and its in immaculate condition seems to be very well made to what I can tell.

(Power Supply: )
With the computer I have also bought a Power Supply Unit.

I chose this power supply wattage wise mainly due to several friends and their builds plus sources around the internet that this power supply was what others with the same case bought. I made a general assumption from the info I acquired to go with something along the lines of 750w because it was most likely a bit more than I needed but not over excessive, overall I like a good padding just incase. I could always return the PSU if its too little I mainly bought it so I could test the fans and few led's that came with the case to make sure its all working so I don't have to return the case also.

(Things I want to do with the computer: )
My requirements of what I am looking for pretty much are to play games at a good quality now I am not looking for the top of the top. The main game I play is League of Legends some things on steam but wish to play games that are a bit more graphic intensive the only thing that comes to mind would be something along the lines of Witcher. I would really like to play league at max quality but I am ok with things along the lines like Witcher at an average quality. Along with gaming I usually watch things on youtube, netflix, twitch, and other websites that stream video and so on.

(Help and Opinions: )
Now onto the part about asking for your help which I would like to give thanks in advance and a pre-advanced Thank You. So I will be looking for all other parts that are necessary for this computer to be up and running I clearly want a good well running computer nothing too cheap but also not too expensive. So My current budget which is what is left over from the Tower and PCU I already spent on is ...

Budget:$800-850 general assumption I believe it will cost if it's cheaper nice! Dx
I guess I will not need to overclock anything on this computer if its good enough but if I do have to then that padding to overclock would help so I don't screw up my computer, I apologize if I confuse you at all. I trust your knowledge and opinions and believe you will send me good reliable products thank you.
(System Requirements: ) I don't really know what to get when it comes to CPU, Video card, or a motherboard so I will make a general assumption of what I think I need in this build.
($-- = Assumed price)
Hard Drive($50): 500GB-1TB SATA HDD (going more along the lines of 1TB)
RAM($60): 8GB Memory (DDR3)
Cpu ($200-250): along the lines of an i-5 or better gaming cpu or something else it doesnt matter to fully to me as long as it does its job.
Graphics card($200-250): Some Nvidia graphics card along those lines. It just has to be enough for games I play now or in the future it can be something else if cheaper as long as it does its job.
Mother Board($150): Have no idea about the motherboard its got to clearly handle everything else right D; so I leave this to you guys ty.
Wireless Card($40): I am gonna assume that the motherboard doesn't come with one like they usually don't.
DvD Drive($20): Internal DVD+/-RW Dual Layer Drive (<--this is pasted off a 20 dollar one on amazon) (I need it to read/write cds/dvds & watch/listen to them)
Operating System ($100): Windows 7 is overall what I want (Windows 10 is coming out also so either way)

(Not sure if I will need anything else that isn't listed)

Assumed Total:$820-920 (Question: In your opinion with the parts you labeled would this computer last at least 8 years if taken care of.)

I have listed things that I believe I need to finish the computer and a price assumption of them from looking around online. As I have stated before I am not the most experienced so these prices might be way too much overall most of these are rounded so the cheaper for me the better right XD.

This is all I can possibly think of so for the 100th+ time I have said it irl Thank you very much for your guidance and opinions. On another note a few various questions.
(I am working in the color scheme of blue/black btw)
1.Good Average Price Mouse & Keyboard nothing over $100 together?
2.Good Gaming headset that will last several years without problems around $50-60?

So thank you again for the help and opinions to lastely say this computer wont be built very soon maybe within the next few months is all I can say because I dont currently have all the funds to fully complete this build. I probably got around 1/3 of it able to be paid right now. So over these next months I will be learning how to put all this stuff together properly 😀

I leave with a final THANK YOU! have a nice day/night/week/month!

you should buy an r9 290x for 270$

just get an asrock extreme3 for the motherboard and spend the extra money on a better GPU
you should buy an r9 290x for 270$

just get an asrock extreme3 for the motherboard and spend the extra money on a better GPU