I play Ps4 and want to get into pc gaming. I've made this build minus a ssd and graphics card and I'm wondering if the I7 is necessary or if an i5 6600k would be the better choice . I'm hoping to achieve 1080 at ultra settings in most cases and some games inin 1440p. Any suggestions/help is much appreciated. https://pcpartpicker.com/user/Notaverycreativeusername/saved/ycPtt6
I live in Ireland so there's no location for me. The website says that it would cost 650 in Spain. Also I have an old monitor I could use until I get more money to buy a 1440 one
I live in Ireland so there's no location for me. The website says that it would cost 650 in Spain. Also I have an old monitor I could use until I get more money to buy a 1440 one