First Build Help


Jul 10, 2013
Hi guys, im new to this website and relatively new to the idea of building my own pc. I'm building it purely as a gaming set up, rather than buying the nex Xbox or PS4 when they come out at the end of the year. What I am thinking of getting is in this link:

I also have a Coolermaster Haf 912 Advanced which I will be using to put everything in!

Any of your thoughts regarding whether I can save money in some places or whether you think I need to splash out a bit will be most welcome.

Thanks in advance!

Oh yeah sorry, the GPU im looking at is an EVGA GeForce GTX 660 SC 2GB GDDR5.
Your build looks pretty solid. I would get an aftermarket CPU cooler such as the Hyper 212 Evo so you can overclock your CPU. If you have the extra $40ish, I would grab a 760, as it's a beast of a card, especially for the price. For it's performance, the 660 is a pretty bad price, now the 760 has been released.

I'd also swap out you PSU for this one:

Plenty of wattage and has better components inside than the CX series of PSUs for a similar price.

thanks for your comments, my budget is relatively tight but I would love to be able to get the 760 instead! Is there anywhere in my build where you think I could cut down the costs, to try and find the extra for the GPU?

thanks very much, ill definitely consider that
Could always get this monitor instead, still 21.5", still 1080p, still IPS but has a much lower price tag:

Now you can get your 760. :)

That would be great if I lived in the uk! As it is it costs £130 here in the UK, which is around 170$ still!!

You should've said so! 😛 I live in the UK too!
Try this one:
(sorry about the link, scan links don't really work on this forum)

No worries, good luck building! Don't forget to pick a solution so the thread is marked as solved. :)