Hey guys im new to the site and new to the whole COmputer World you guys are in so i need a little help My budget is 600 excluding Monitor,keyboard,mouse
The computer will be used mainly for Programming and FOr Gaming
GPu- Radeon 5770
CPu - AMd Phenom X6 1090t
PSu-600 or 650 watt Corsair,Antec,OCM
Ram- Corsair 8Gs DDR3
Case- Cooler Master Elite Mid Tower Case, RC-310
HDD- seagate 1TB
So guys have any advice on how to lower my COst or Increase my performance,
And to make sure everything iS compatible im really new to this
Couldnt find a better case 🙁
Most of these items are gonna be bought through Amazon
The computer will be used mainly for Programming and FOr Gaming
GPu- Radeon 5770
CPu - AMd Phenom X6 1090t
PSu-600 or 650 watt Corsair,Antec,OCM
Ram- Corsair 8Gs DDR3
Case- Cooler Master Elite Mid Tower Case, RC-310
HDD- seagate 1TB
So guys have any advice on how to lower my COst or Increase my performance,
And to make sure everything iS compatible im really new to this
Couldnt find a better case 🙁
Most of these items are gonna be bought through Amazon