News First Details About AMD’s Next Generation Video Engine Revealed

Hopefully they've improved the quality of their h.264 and h.265 encoding, as well as the latency.
AMD's Codec is pretty far behind the competition, and the competition isn't even that great.
If anything the only future CODEC's that are of interest to me are:
  • H.266 VVC for it's small file size while maintaining similar quality to higher bitrates of previous H.26X codecs
  • MPEG-5's EVC Baseline since it's Royalty Free and has H.265 levels of performance without having to deal with the Royalty / Payment BS since it's all open or expired patents.
Also EVC Baseline is REALLY fast to encode.
With the rise in video calling/conferencing in the last couple years I'm sure there are a lot more people doing video encoding than there were in the past. But in that case you're probably only encoding 720p, or 1080p at most, and you probably don't need the best possible video quality, so I imagine that existing codecs (h.264/h.265, VP9, etc.) would be sufficient.
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