First ever custom build-What do you think?


Apr 9, 2014
Hey there!

First post here, and infact this will be my first ever own computer. Been reading up on it the last few days so today I played around with PCPartPicker to see what I could come up with. It's gonna be primarily for gaming.

Mainly playing League of Legends and WoW, but also planning to buy some high end games, e.g Titanfall, BF4, Witcher 3, TES, Watch Dogs and other upcoming games over the next years. So I want a PC that's gonna last, handling the next gen games in the upcoming years.


I'm a total noob at PC Hardware, so for the most part, other than the CPU and GPU which I have read about, I just went onto the pick list, filtered so that it displayed the ones with highest ratings first, and selected the cheapest out of the top 10.

What do you think? Any places where I should spend more/less on? Is there any danger of bottlenecking? Like, do I have a really good GPU for example but it's wasted because, for example, my storage is really slow? Do I need more cooling? Is there anything else I need? Better motherboard? Etc.

Thanks a lot in advance! :D

Oh, also which OS do you recommend? Probably getting Win 7, since a lot of my friends say Win 8 sucks.

Also, it shouldn't be much more expensive that that, like 1300$ max. It MAY be cheaper though. I figured that what I have is already almost overkill...


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