First i7 Build



Hello everyone 😀

I'm from Australia and all prices I post will be in Australian Dollars.
I am going to be building a new i7 rig, It will be my second build.
Does this hardware look good? I've been choosing componants for over a month now and just want to be sure that everything will be compatible. :)
This build is hitting the limit on my budget so I cant really choose anything better unless I drop somthing else.

CPU - Intel i7 920
Motherboard - Asus P6T
Ram - Gskill 6gig (3 x 2gig)
HDD - Western Digital 640gig Green Power
GPU - Zotac GTX260 216SP
PSU - Corsair HX-620
DVD - Pioneer DVD-RW
Case - Antec 1200


hi... :)

Well jus double check on the Zotac...if possible get EVGA or XFX...

And as for the HDD, better to go wit the WD Black instead of the Green, cos they are gud backup drives but nt as fast as Black...

Well u can save some cash on the PSU if u don really want a modular PSU...u can get a 650TX for a lesser price...

And as for the case, the 1200 is a very gud, but if u don want a full tower, then save some cash by going wit the Antec 900...has the same bling too...
From the information I've gathered Zotac are actually are very good brand and are Nvidia's 2nd biggest partner. So I will double check on that.

I really want a modular power supply I'm just hoping it will be powerful enough.

I think I might go with the Green HD just because it saves power :) But I will look into other HDD's.

I'm happy with a full tower and the Antec 1200 looks very good. Big and "Cool" lol.

My biggest concern is the power supply
How would this rig go in gaming? Also I have never Overclocked and dont really plan to cause I'm scared I'll break something... lol

Also what if I decided I wanted to through in a second GTX260 down the line? Would I need a new PSU as well?
Sorry for all the questions...
Well actually the 520 can also handle ur setup without any problems...Unless u put in an another 260...i doubt whether the 620 can handle 2 of them...well mayb but nt sure...
But jus a thought...u must have heard that ATI have slashed prices of the in a week am sure it will reflect in AUS too...and the 4870 by all means is a gud buy...
U will get a 4870 1GB for price less than the GTX260...jus a thought...
I've heard bad things about ATI lol The GTX 260 is better then the 4870 though isnt it?
Thanks for the quick responses 😀
I think I'll stick with the GTX260 I've never had any problems with Nvidia (I'm abit of an Nvidia fanboy... lol) I doubt I'd add another GTX260

I'm going to have to go with the HX-620 because I cant afford to get anything better, I've really stretched this budget from only $1500 right up to $2250 lol (It's a birthday present from my parents, I also got only money last christmas and its going towards this.)
Hmm...the GTX 260 one of the best but its nt the price/performance king...
Well Everyone would want good value for money so I had suggested tat...

And as for the 620, well mayb it can handle 2 260 but i doubt it can handle any overclock wit them...But for the current setup it is more than suffice...

And Well H'B'DAY... 😀 well advanced wishes 😛
Ok thanks for all your help :)
I might look into the 4870 its just I've been playing around with some 3D mods which only work with Nvidia cards I think (red and blue glasses 3D)

And thanks my Birthday was yesturday (4/3)
You should allow some room in your budget for a good 3rd party cooler for your CPU. I have the 920 also, and with the stock cooler it idles close to 40 degrees.

Overclocking is easy, especially on a quality motherboard such as the P6T. You sould read into it.
well…Core i7 with one GTX 260-216 or one 4870 1Gb and than maybe second one down the road….with that PSU no way…brand is very good but power is missing. You need something stronger. BUT even if you SLI GTX 260 or CF 4870 1GB you have setup that can be treated easily on some decent C2D or C2Q rig for much lower budget and moreover GTX295 is better and cheaper than SLI GTX 260. I hope that you have at least some good 24inch monitor at 1920x1200. What I am saying here…Core i7 is shining as gaming rig with STRONG GPU setup which means something like SLI GTX 285, going with one GPU or even one dual GPU (4870x2 or GTX295) it’s waste of money, C2D or C2Q can do same job. Core i7 needs SLI or CF of high-end to show all muscles.

My recommendation: buy one GTX 285 and good PSU (Corsair 850-1000) to add second GTX 285 in couple of months…and you will overclock for sure, everybody does…

My personal opinion…take it or leave it