First PC Build. Need some feedback.


Apr 17, 2015
This is my first PC build. Just asking for some feedback or suggestion that can help improve my build. I plan on OC-ing it, though I don't do hardcore gaming. I'm also wondering if the PSU is the right wattage for my build. Suggestions for other IPS monitors are welcome too!
That's a very nice build! Great CPU to overclock and good motherboard to go with it. Your PSU will be more than enough and will actually have quite a bit of headroom so you could even get away with an SLI (dual Nvidia gpu setup) and still have enough wattage being supplied to the system. All in all a very good build!

You could have the 27inch variant for another $2 here:
That's a very nice build! Great CPU to overclock and good motherboard to go with it. Your PSU will be more than enough and will actually have quite a bit of headroom so you could even get away with an SLI (dual Nvidia gpu setup) and still have enough wattage being supplied to the system. All in all a very good build!

You could have the 27inch variant for another $2 here:

Thanks man! Good to see that it's a good build! I was reading about 24inch monitors vs 27 inch monitors the other day, and people were saying how the 24inch has a better ppi and overall clarity than 27inch monitors. Also, I don't sit far from my monitor, will it be too big? Lol. I So is it alright if I stick to this PSU or get a lower PSU?