Hello, I'm looking in to building a computer for the first time. After spending much time reading guides and watching the newegg videos on building computers, I came up with this potential first build:
Approximate Purchase Date: Next week
Budget Range: ~1k
System Usage from Most to Least Important: Gaming, surfing, coding, and I plan on taking video game oriented programming courses in the near future.
Parts Not Required:keyboard, mouse, OS
Preferred Website(s) for Parts: None really, I was planning on looking at multiple sites to compare prices after I had decided on a build
Country: Canada
Parts Preferences: I would prefer to stick with an Intel CPU and Nvidia GPU, but if there's decent reason to I would consider switching to AMD.
Overclocking: Probably, I need to do some research on that still
SLI or Crossfire: Maybe (see question 5)
Monitor Resolution: Unsure, anything much larger than 19" diagonally might not fit though - so obviously that is what I need to consider before anything else.
Additional Comments: I am quite put off if it runs too loud.
I was hoping someone with more experience than me could give some advice, and answer some questions I have (I shall list them in order of importance to me)
1) Are these parts all compatible? (newegg wishlist)
2) I'm not going to be bottle-necking the performance of any of my parts am I?
3) Should I have an aftermarket heatsink fan for my CPU?
4) Are there any alternative parts you would recommend?
5) Would it be worth it to get another graphics card for SLI?
I plan to look at monitors and speakers after I've decided on my build
Thank you in advance!
Approximate Purchase Date: Next week
Budget Range: ~1k
System Usage from Most to Least Important: Gaming, surfing, coding, and I plan on taking video game oriented programming courses in the near future.
Parts Not Required:keyboard, mouse, OS
Preferred Website(s) for Parts: None really, I was planning on looking at multiple sites to compare prices after I had decided on a build
Country: Canada
Parts Preferences: I would prefer to stick with an Intel CPU and Nvidia GPU, but if there's decent reason to I would consider switching to AMD.
Overclocking: Probably, I need to do some research on that still
SLI or Crossfire: Maybe (see question 5)
Monitor Resolution: Unsure, anything much larger than 19" diagonally might not fit though - so obviously that is what I need to consider before anything else.
Additional Comments: I am quite put off if it runs too loud.
I was hoping someone with more experience than me could give some advice, and answer some questions I have (I shall list them in order of importance to me)
1) Are these parts all compatible? (newegg wishlist)
2) I'm not going to be bottle-necking the performance of any of my parts am I?
3) Should I have an aftermarket heatsink fan for my CPU?
4) Are there any alternative parts you would recommend?
5) Would it be worth it to get another graphics card for SLI?
I plan to look at monitors and speakers after I've decided on my build
Thank you in advance!