First Time Builder - Looking for Critique of Wishlist and Advice


Mar 1, 2012
Hello, I'm looking in to building a computer for the first time. After spending much time reading guides and watching the newegg videos on building computers, I came up with this potential first build:

Approximate Purchase Date: Next week

Budget Range: ~1k

System Usage from Most to Least Important: Gaming, surfing, coding, and I plan on taking video game oriented programming courses in the near future.

Parts Not Required:keyboard, mouse, OS

Preferred Website(s) for Parts: None really, I was planning on looking at multiple sites to compare prices after I had decided on a build

Country: Canada

Parts Preferences: I would prefer to stick with an Intel CPU and Nvidia GPU, but if there's decent reason to I would consider switching to AMD.

Overclocking: Probably, I need to do some research on that still

SLI or Crossfire: Maybe (see question 5)

Monitor Resolution: Unsure, anything much larger than 19" diagonally might not fit though - so obviously that is what I need to consider before anything else.

Additional Comments: I am quite put off if it runs too loud.

I was hoping someone with more experience than me could give some advice, and answer some questions I have (I shall list them in order of importance to me)

1) Are these parts all compatible? (newegg wishlist)

2) I'm not going to be bottle-necking the performance of any of my parts am I?

3) Should I have an aftermarket heatsink fan for my CPU?

4) Are there any alternative parts you would recommend?

5) Would it be worth it to get another graphics card for SLI?

I plan to look at monitors and speakers after I've decided on my build

Thank you in advance!
1) The parts are compatible.

2) The 2500K is as good as it gets, and will drive any decent graphics configuration.For gaming, you might consider going a bit stronger on the graphics card if you have the budget.
Perhaps as strong as a GTX570. I happen to like this direct exhaust cooler on this GTX560ti-448:
or this GTX570:
Do not plan on cf/sli when a good single card will do the job.

3) You are buying a "K" so you can overclock. A $30 cooler will let you oc higher, and easier. It will keep your pc quieter and cooler.
Lastly, for a first time builder, know that the stock intel pushpin mounts are tricky to install properly. consider a cm hyper 212 or Xigmatek gaia which should be about $30.
They have quieter 120mm fans and more secure backplate mounts.


A GTX570 needs a quality 550w psu. I would stick with known quality PSU brands such as Seasonic, XFX, Corsair, PC P&C, and Antec. Look for a 600-650w unit from any of them. You will never save enough on energy costs buying a gold rated psu.

The ram seems pricey. Sandy bridge is insensitive to ram speeds.
Read this:
Just buy an inexpensive 1333 2x4 8gb kit.
Here is one:
1.5v ram does not need fancy heat spreaders which are mostly marketing. High heat spreaders will often interfere with the cpu cooler.

How many motherboard slots do you plan to use? A full ATX motherboard has 7.
I happen to like smaller cases and motherboards.
Look into a m-atx motherboard which has only 4 expansion slots. It will be cheaper.
Here is one:

Cases are a personal thing.
If you love the case buy it. Spend more if you need to on a case you lust after. You will be looking at it for a long time.
The Antec 300 illusion model is a perennial favorite:
My favorite is the silverstone TJ-08E M-atx case
Regardless, any case with at least two 120mm intake fans or exhaust fans will provide adequate cooling.

Considering the current crazy high prices for hard drives, consider buying a SSD for the boot drive, apps, and some games. 60gb is ok, but 80-120gb is better.
It will make everything feel so much quicker. If, or when you need an expansion hard drive prices will have come back to earth.

5) Is sli worth it? My opinion is NO.
Here is my argument:
a) How good do you really need to be?
A single GTX560 or 6870 can give you great performance at 1920 x 1200 in most games.

A single GTX560ti or 6950 will give you excellent performance at 1920 x 1200 in most games.
Even 2560 x 1600 will be good with lowered detail.
A single 7970 is about as good as it gets.

Only if you are looking at triple monitor gaming, then sli/cf will be needed.
Even that is now changing with triple monitor support on top end cards.

b) The costs for a single card are lower.
You require a less expensive motherboard; no need for sli/cf or multiple pci-e slots.
Even a ITX motherboard will do.

Your psu costs are less.
A GTX560ti needs a 450w psu, even a GTX580 only needs a 600w psu.
When you add another card to the mix, plan on adding 150-200w to your psu requirements.

Case cooling becomes more of an issue with dual cards.
That means a more expensive case with more and stronger fans.
You will also look at more noise.

c) Dual cards do not always render their half of the display in sync, causing microstuttering. It is an annoying effect.
The benefit of higher benchmark fps can be offset, particularly with lower tier cards.
Read this:,2995.html

d) dual card support is dependent on the driver. Not all games can benefit from dual cards.

e) cf/sli up front reduces your option to get another card for an upgrade. Not that I suggest you plan for that.
It will often be the case that replacing your current card with a newer gen card will offer a better upgrade path.
--------------good luck--------------


Dec 30, 2011
all parts are compatible but i would suggest getting the 560TI EVGA , and these rams instead ,
you wont be bottle necking antthing,if you plan on overclocking you should get an aftermartker cpu cooler , and if you plan on doin some serious gaming i would recommend using SLI ,the only reason to consider AMD btw is it is better for larg terrains but nvidia OWNS it when it comes to details


Mar 1, 2012
Alright, have made some changes so far to selected parts.

Changed RAM to h3sham's suggestion:

Changed Case to Geofelt's suggestion:

Added a fan for CPU:

I looked at the GTX570 before, I just don't think the amount of improvement is worth paying ~150% the price of a 560 ti.

Quick Edit: Also, changed PSU to this:


Mar 1, 2012
I've looked at the 560ti 448 core cards, they're almost the price of the 570 so I don't really see the point in them. Might as well get the 570.