First time builder, style and expert points needed


Feb 26, 2016

This is what I have tried to put together. As you can tell pretty quickly I am trying for a blueish/white theme for under $1000, if anyone has any suggestions (bonus points if kept in the style of the whole system) as well as pointers (because this will be the first system I have ever tried to put together) I would appreciate any and all of it!

( - Build where I got my inspiration more or less.

I do intend to try and play AAA+ games and want a generally all around "cheap" powerhouse. I use it for work too so I would like to try and keep the 16GB of RAM for the work I do.

You should add an SSD to that build if AT ALL possible. That and what turkey3_scratch recommended about the power supply.


I agree, I didn't spot this specific PSU but best not to go cheap on the cooling unit. I updated my build just a tad, since I can honestly go a little over $1200 I was probably trying to be too cheap.

I believe an SSHD is also a good option. It is in-between the cost and performance of an HDD and an SSD. I am also pretty sure, unless you use integrated GPU, that games will mostly only be affected when loading the game into RAM. Correct me if I'm wrong. BTW, have fun with the build!