Hello my name is Nick. I am a freshman in high school looking to build my own pc. I put together what I think is a good pc on pcpartpicker.com but I would like if some of you guys could look it over and help me out, since you guys definitely know what you are doing.
For some context:
I want to be able to play gta 5 with mods,
I want to be able to play Garry's Mod with out it crashing every 5 minutes,
My brother has a 750w power supply he is giving me,
I already have a good keyboard and mouse,
And I have a budget of $1,300.
Here is the link to my part list: https://pcpartpicker.com/user/powerball/saved/#view=nCGL23
Thank you in advance.
For some context:
I want to be able to play gta 5 with mods,
I want to be able to play Garry's Mod with out it crashing every 5 minutes,
My brother has a 750w power supply he is giving me,
I already have a good keyboard and mouse,
And I have a budget of $1,300.
Here is the link to my part list: https://pcpartpicker.com/user/powerball/saved/#view=nCGL23
Thank you in advance.