News First Windows 11 Up Arrives, Ryzen Cache Problem Still Not Fixed

Because there is an update.
It doesn't address everything, but it is the first one since 11 was released to the public.

Yes but its not the update for ryzen which is coming out Oct 19. This is a general Patch tuesday update. There was no indication from MS this was going to address the ryzen issue on Oct 13.
has to be patched by BOTH AMD and Microsoft, according to this recent WCCFTech article

Two separate patches

The L3 fix for Windows 11 is coming from Ms on Oct 19
The CPPC will require a driver update from AMD which is out Oct 21

And with this information out there no one should have been expecting this to be fixed on today's Oct 13 Patch Tuesday update.

And this is why the last half of the title on this makes no sense.

Ryzen Cache Problem Still Not Fixed.
Windows 11 gets its first patch, but a fix for the Ryzen cache and scheduling issues may come next week.

First Windows 11 Up Arrives, Ryzen Cache Problem Still Not Fixed : Read more
Win 11 is Junk, it has nothing to offer the "home user", instead of the promise of a snappier / cleaner OS, we get just the opposite. When you can't even release Win 10 updates with bugs and issues, how could you engineer a new OS. Advice, wait about two weeks are the first "new" build (making sure it has no issues), and revisit it, we are talking months down the road, probably the summer or Fall of 2022.