Five 550 And 600 W 80 PLUS Platinum Power Supplies, Tested

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[citation][nom]JonnyDough[/nom]You forgot to take into consideration that this PSU is made of higher quality materials and comes with a warranty of six years, as I stated it would be worth my trouble to purchase it if it was going to last awhile. That's why you're failing to see the savings. You're only on here to argue and be right all the time, and you're a sad and lonely person if that's how you gain importance. Here's a thought, why don't you try doing something for others for a change instead of surfing the net so much?[/citation]

You completely misunderstand why I come here if that's what you think. I like to get the facts strait and much of what you were saying was contradictory to that. It's not my fault that you want to attack someone's personal life and motives for calling out your incorrect claims on a technology website.

If you were only arguing the components and warranty, then that's a subjective thing. The power consumption numbers aren't subjective.
Dude, just let it go. The fact is that over six years spending $20 extra would probably be worth it. End of story. You came on here to "get the facts straight". Who really cares? It's all speculation. Again, you obviously feel some sense of worth by "being right" and I feel sad for you.
[citation][nom]JonnyDough[/nom]Dude, just let it go. The fact is that over six years spending $20 extra would probably be worth it. End of story. You came on here to "get the facts straight". Who really cares? It's all speculation. Again, you obviously feel some sense of worth by "being right" and I feel sad for you.[/citation]

What I said was not speculation. What you said was speculation. I proved your math wrong to start with and if you want, I can even do the math on the cost again (and show it to you) too.

If I had some sense of feeling right, I could have talked about how I didn't even get on Tom's today until after 5:00 PM or how I never even argued against the warranty and such being worth it. In fact, if we look back to how this particular argument started:

[citation][nom]blazorthon[/nom]My only issue with Platinums at that low power point is that they hardly make any difference. It'll save what, three, four watts over a proper Gold? Added reliability and warranty, I can understand those, but being a platinum at that point is like arguing the advantages of a 100MHz speed boost on a CPU that's already well beyond 3GHz. It's little more than a buzzword in such a situation.[/citation]

I could also mention how you're seemingly thumbing me down and complaining about me just because I said (and later proved mathematically) that you over-exaggerated the power consumption difference in addition to how you said that I "forgot to take into consideration that this PSU is made of higher quality materials and comes with a warranty of six years" when I clearly did not as I was just arguing the point of efficiency from the start.

See, now this is arguing just to be right and to make you wrong.
Maybe whoever ranked you down just doesn't want to hear about how you're right all the time. Let it go man, this is about PSUs. And regardless, what I said is true. A bit more for a more efficient supply will eventually pay for itself.
[citation][nom]JonnyDough[/nom]Maybe whoever ranked you down just doesn't want to hear about how you're right all the time. Let it go man, this is about PSUs. And regardless, what I said is true. A bit more for a more efficient supply will eventually pay for itself.[/citation]

I never said that it will not pay for itself. I was saying that it won't pay for itself in a reasonable amount of time such as around three to five years (even that is assuming well above- average costs for power) unless you have huge costs for power. What you said is that it will pay for itself in just a few years and that it will be an eight watt difference, both of which are only true in extreme situations (the latter of which is dangerous for the PSU), so no, what you said was not true. Saying that a long warranty and theoretically better parts (the latter of which isn't necessarily true, nor is it likely to matter even if it is) is worth another $20 is also a subjective opinion, not a fact.

If you didn't want to read an argument, then you shouldn't have stated inaccurate claims on a tech site where there are many geeks who may call out those claims for what they are. Changing your claims does not disregard your previous inaccurate claims and personal attacks most certainly don't help you to prove your point. Seeing as some of your posts have multiple down-votes, it seems that I'm not the only one who disagrees with using personal attacks and false claims in a technology discussion.
I was surprised by Seasonic's absence here, as they have Platinum rated PSUs both with and without fans, all fully modular. I've got a Platinum Fanless 460W and think it's brilliant; it is completely silent (as you'd expect) but delivers its power very efficiently with great stability.

It's a little awkward in how you choose to put in your system though, as the heat just rises off the top of it if you follow Seasonic's instructions to only orient it right way up. However, you can orient it any way you like really, just so long as you make sure there's a fan providing a little overflow; I believe the right-way-up warning is only if you take no further measures to cool the PSU. In my case I have the PSU mounted vertically (modular terminals at the top, mains power at the bottom, "top" grille at the back of my case) with an exhaust fan on the top of my case. Of course it's for a DAS box so I only really have drive heat to worry about, so that one fan handily draws cool air through the PSU, up through the case and out the top.

Ahem, yeah, but weird not to see Seasonic making a showing. I dunno what their Platinum PSUs with fans are like, but the fanless ones are great, if a little pricey.
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