Question for some reason anything with high priority get me insane mouse lag (like acceleration)


Jan 10, 2021
so i have this issue recently for some reason everything on high CPU priority gets a miss mouse input sometimes it jump sometime it reg at dif speeds once i change the priority back to normal everything is fine and i did monitor it i got stable mouse input along as priority in normal- sure i can use normal priority but please i just want to find the root of the issue bc setting the priority is not a fix for everything i have some games-apps (like delta force) req high priority it forced on boot I can change it on task manager, i also tried to force MED priority on the regedit but it no work it always force high priority on boot (that's not my issue anyway) -possible fixes on my mind- is to set the service that relay on the mouse input to realtime or so...

Why are you playing with priority anyway? It's not there for casual use. If you don't know what it is and how to use it, to the extent that you can explain it to a novice, then you have no business playing with it.
Why are you playing with priority anyway? It's not there for casual use. If you don't know what it is and how to use it, to the extent that you can explain it to a novice, then you have no business playing with it.
you are correct but i also stated that's some app have a forced HIGH priority once they boot like delta force i can change it on task manager but ya some apps have forced HIGH priority
MIKE ur my fav man u helped me with all my build few years ago greeting bro <3
anyway it could be possible but the issue happens ONLY when the priority on high View:

Greetingsagain. It's to be expected only at high loads at high priority when system runs out of some resources, otherwise it would be much worse something hogs resources ,something else suffers.
You will have to check first what is causing the problem and what causes high loads by monitoring system when it happens, Task manager and resource monitor for instance, mostly CPU and memory tabs.Check also the usual suspects,like background programs and services, could be some malware too.
PS, it would be beneficial to list your system.
MIKE ur my fav man u helped me with all my build few years ago greeting bro <3
anyway it could be possible but the issue happens ONLY when the priority on high
ill check rn

Greetingsagain. It's to be expected only at high loads at high priority when system runs out of some resources, otherwise it would be much worse something hogs resources ,something else suffers.
You will have to check first what is causing the problem and what causes high loads by monitoring system when it happens, Task manager and resource monitor for instance, mostly CPU and memory tabs.Check also the usual suspects,like background programs and services, could be some malware too.
PS, it would be beneficial to list your system.
Greetingsagain. It's to be expected only at high loads at high priority when system runs out of some resources, otherwise it would be much worse something hogs resources ,something else suffers.
You will have to check first what is causing the problem and what causes high loads by monitoring system when it happens, Task manager and resource monitor for instance, mostly CPU and memory tabs.Check also the usual suspects,like background programs and services, could be some malware too.
PS, it would be beneficial to list your system.
Sorry but oh well, an i3 with 4 cores/threads and 5 generations old, no wonder. You may be asking too much of it. Even with my 12 core 24 threads 5.7GHz CPU, mouse can lag for a short time when CPU reaches close to 100%.
oh ok i see i expected that but what driving me crazy how the issue start to work only recently like i used to play bf5 fine for 2 years now days it just mouse input lag crazy (on high priority only)
i forgot to add windows build bug it always show CPU usage 100 even when idle
oh ok i see i expected that but what driving me crazy how the issue start to work only recently like i used to play bf5 fine for 2 years now days it just mouse input lag crazy (on high priority only)
i forgot to add windows build bug it always show CPU usage 100 even when idle
Probably game updates which never get easier. Look at CPU usage, sits nailed at100%. Maybe you can upgrade to now probably cheap i5 ori7 of same vintage.
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