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9.1% unemployment, a $14.4 trillion debt, a $1.65 trillion deficit, record foreclosures, near record gas prices, 13 million unemployed, underemployment at 24 million.

The captain of the titanic tells us his decisions have pulled the economy back from the brink.


My comment: The ice cream truck came up the street today and I ran out to the curb in a hurry still in my robe. I couldn't believe it. He was playing hang down your head Tom Dooley.
Short story is the US bankrupted the USSR ( having cleverly sidestepped Japan after WWII by integrating Japanese manufacturing methodologies) ... who couldn't match the spending required to put out shiney tanks, missiles and other nasties ... and promptly forgot to feed their own people well enough in the process. The US then kept borrowing to expand a nonsustainable economy over the last 25 years has now been bankrupted by the Chinese ... who are keen to make anything for a buck ... having a forced slave labour capacity unmatcheable by any.

You lost the cold war ... the cold war of finance.

He who owns the most Yuan now wins ...

I am going to convert my savings into Yuan ... at the current exchange rate.

The value of the Yuan will nearly double in the next 6 mths because China can't control it (well they won't want to now).

I would say checkmate but the US still has some more options.

We are going into the unknown now ... economists have no idea what will happen.

Yep, legalize weed and put a rich white guy back into the presidency. Or even better a rich white woman, just don't ask her to sign any bills during a certian time of the month.
Then lets put all the Jews back into Wall ST. Because the current(white) college grad student, and their Dads just aint cutting it anymore.


Not what happened. Those "Japanese manufacturing methodologies" came from the U.S. originally.

You mean the woman who courageously dodged sniper fire on her trip to Bosnia, then admitted she [strike]lied[/strike] misspoke about the incident?😛OLITICS

On the other hand, based on her 1978 performance in the cattle futures market, maybe she is the right person for the job.
jsc has it right.

And no, you don't want your money in Yuan; it's also a fiat currency, therefor equally bogus, even if it is more tightly controlled.
Chasing income will be a waste of time and create a lot of stress. I would suggest minimizing ongoing expenses instead; if you don't need to spend it, you don't need to earn it. Then learn how to grow a garden, preserve food, and otherwise become more self-sufficient. If you're an American, exercise your 2nd Amendment rights. It's going to get a lot worse before it gets better. Don't count on the parasites to "fix" this; that's not their job. They only selectively impede and destroy, they do not create anything. Good luck.
Chuck Berry is trully one of the greatest badge.

Did you get to meet him?

I'd love to sit and watch while he plays and sings Johhny B. Goode ... or get a photo with him.

"If you tried to give rock and roll another name, you might call it Chuck Berry" ......... John Lennon

I know I offered to give the US Govt $50 but I'd give Chuck Berry $5000 if he needed it.
Ingrid Berry, his daughter, was the lead singer for my childhood friend's band for a time. I used to ride my bike right by the spot the statue was erected. Up out of the sewer's right out onto the historic Delmar loop to mingle. I lived less than a mile from there and used to buy my LP's at Vintage Vinyl records pictured in the link. I saw the Beatles Help! in 1964 a few steps from the statue at the Varsity theatre. My friend Jimmy Lee still plays the Pageant theatre often even at near 60. I have eaten at Blueberry Hill, Berry's restaurant, many times and still do when I go home. Jimmy has played with Chuck Berry on occasion and knows Chuck Berry very well.

Used to drive around in high school listening to Hendrix the Who, The Doors and of course My Ding A Ling. No one had heard of any of them at the time.

Jimmy playing a SRV tribute at the Pageant theatre a few blocks from the Obama statue. Obama rocks dude.


Badge, in the development of the USSR, the exact same thing happened. Things get worse and worse, and the government tells you its getting better and better...well not specifically the government but CNN (The Communist News Network), says this. Barack Obama is systematically destroying this country along with the liberals. There is no question about it. CNN and MSNBC do a great job brainwashing the liberal population. Its almost as if thier brains are all remote controlled by somebody.

Fascinating really.
From your link:

Simple reality

“There is no incentive for private industry to do anything. I think the economic troubles will go on for a long time. I don’t see (elected officials) doing anything.”
-- Ron Stein, vice president, PTS Staffing Solutions high-tech staffing company, Irvine

Elitist half truths with no clues

“I think a lot of people are positive about their lives and their jobs and are doing OK – we may have 9 percent unemployment but 90 percent of the people are working – but they look around and see what’s happening in the world and in Washington, D.C. and say, ‘I better be more careful’ and they stop spending.”
--Anil Puri, dean, Cal State Fullerton Mihaylo College of Business and Economics
Its as simple as what we see here
One, a person doing hiring, in the trenches
The other, head in book, ideas preset/formed, adjusting reality to their conceptions of understanding
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