Forgot to Unplug the Power Supply / Possibly Fried?

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Mar 5, 2013

I just started building computers a month ago, so I'm a novice when it comes to this. Anyway, I think I might have killed my motherboard. I just finished building a new PC and was able to boot it up fine with the exception of the power LED not turning on. So like the genius I am, I adjusted the front panel connectors with the power cable still plugged in. And now nothing. Not even a slight movement of the fan.

Is it possible to fry the board while just adjusting the front pannel connection?

ASRock 880GM-lE FX
On board graphics
Corsair TX750 psu
WD 500GB
Corsair Vengeance 2x4 8GB
Thermaltake V3 Black Edition Case
Thanks guys for all the replies. Yeah, I'm hoping I've just arranged the connections wrong, haha.

@alexoiu - I just removed all front pannel connectors, plugged in only the power swtch and still nothing. I then tried with only the power and reset connections, but that didn't cause a change either.

@wanderer11 - The PC was not on while I made the changes, haha, but I might I have left the PSU switch on by accident while I was quickly switching around panel connectors in frustration (not sure if that would be an issue).

Again, I am hoping it's the front panel. Could have I maybe have loosened the wire directly connected to the front power button. I don't think I yanked the cord or anything, but it's still possible I put too much tension on the wire.
Oh, and are you sure you didn't put the CMOS jumper - by mistake or whatever - to 2-3? If you did change it and put it at 1-2. That was another thing happened to me. Also check the manuals of the motherboard or the motherboard itself see how to put cables. However, some motherboards provide WRONG information (mine provided wrong information about inserting that cables) So you would better check the manual. That you don't have the manual? See here -


Thanks for the video post, alexoiu. Pretty sure that nailed it. After attempting the paperclip test multiple times, I'm getting no signs of fan movement or power. sad day :pfff:

Is the timing of me adjusting the panel connectors and the power supply's death just a coincidence, or could they be somewhat related?
Big thanks to alexoiu and alex2000robert for helping out this noob! I appreciate it. I have another PSU and motherboard on it's way. Hopefully, like you said, it's just the PSU that took the hit.
Quick update: Turns out my power outlet was the culprit! It was working initially when I first booted the PC before I started adjusting front panel. Then sometime during that wire swapping, it went dead. My PSU, mobo, everyhing are fine. Life is good again 😀... just wish I would have thought of testing another outlet earlier, haha.
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