To clear the cmos, power off and open the case, put the cmos reset jumper in the reset position, this normally involves moving the jumper from 2 pins across to another 2 pins, this will be shown in the manual.
Are you sure you need to fdisk? what are you trying to do? if you are creating/deleting partitions then post back and I (er if I havnt gone home from work... or someone will help), as for the format, boot fron windows 98/ME (I presume thats what you are using) floppy, type FORMAT C: and press enter, it will ask if you are sure, type Y and enter, when it gets to the end it will ask for a volume label, enter whatever, such as C drive, or YOURNAME etc. if you have more than one partition (i.e. you have fdisked and made more partitions), you will have to format the other partitions in the same manner, but instead of FORMAT C:, you will need to upt FORMAT D: FORMAT E: for the other partitions.
erm, Ive just realised we are in the 2k forum not the 98!, you can still use the above method, in fact its probably easier to use the win98 boot disk. Once done, either boot from the 2k cd or create the 4 2k setup disks and boot from the first one to install the o/s.
Next time you wave - use all your fingers<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by CALV on 07/05/01 08:34 AM.</EM></FONT></P>