Guuyysssss. Im a stupid human being.
I connected my hdd to my phone but it said "hdd corrupted, tap to fix" and i was in a hurry and tapped it and the next button was format and in my hurry I pressed it but by the time i pulled it out it was too late. When i connected it to my pc it was clean. Guys this happened 20 min ago. How do I recover my stuff. I had a lot important stuff on it. Will really appreciate all the help
I connected my hdd to my phone but it said "hdd corrupted, tap to fix" and i was in a hurry and tapped it and the next button was format and in my hurry I pressed it but by the time i pulled it out it was too late. When i connected it to my pc it was clean. Guys this happened 20 min ago. How do I recover my stuff. I had a lot important stuff on it. Will really appreciate all the help