[citation][nom]TheCapulet[/nom]Your logic is inherently flawed. If a teacher can teach very well, then a student with a learning disability or behavioral problem will still continue to improve because a skilled teacher knows how to teach different kinds of kids, even if they can't fundamentally make them excel at being scholars. Furthermore, when teachers invariably "teach the test", then they're invariably teaching the material. Know how to read a question and input the right answer in a test environment? Then there's a good chance you know the damn material. lol. In the US, we just have more incessantly stupid adults that continue to breed a hotbed of ignorance in this country because most refuse to educate themselves concerning the bullshit they let spill out of their mouths.[/citation]
one kid in my highschool, a friend, planned to drop out on the 3rd year because he didnt care anymore. he was skilled in drawing, and programing to some extent, but just did not care about any other aspect of school, we got him to stay but he did nothing but use school as a 7 hour place to draw and talk to friends.
we had 11 girls who decided they didn't need school and failed because they didn't care any more,
3 students who took up the career choice of drug dealer
and another who convinced a 30 something year old she was over 18, and wanted to get preggers, she got her wish, and he went to jail for it, never knowing she was i believe 17 (yea, who checks an id for sex)
sure, skilled teachers are a blessing. i had a history teacher, history being a class i fail or get a d because i just cant care anymore after 10 years or so of hearing the same crap over and over and over again... but he made history interesting. i passed with the highest grade in his class.
the year before, i despised that history teacher, because it was a droneing note fest, with no personality at all... he wasnt a bad person, but you could tell that history teaching wasn't not why they highered him, it was a secondary benefit.
most teachers were i had were droneing kind, and the few that werent were the ones i liked and passed with flying colors.
what we need to do is give teachers k-5or6 a pay raise, but no bonus points for teaching well. dont get me wrong teaching is a big part of their job, but k-5or6 is more about dealing with young kids than it is teaching them. give them bouns money if they have other skills like dealing with kids who have problems, not just learning but social.
6or7-8 is where you introduce the bonuses for teaching, but if a kid has to take the year over again, its not marked against you as that kid did not even try to pass, i know people like that, they just didn't care at all.
9-12, that is where most of the money goes for teaching well. bring the standards up, make a highschool diploma matter again, and dont be afraid to weed out the kids who dont care. i can tell you that whenever a teacher want not droning on and on in a class, i was passing with a B or an A but whenever most of the class was a not taking couldn't care less affair, well... i was in the D range. only time i failed a highschool class was when i wasnt not told up front how heavy the grading scale was effecting me, i despised that class and that teacher, not because he was bad, but because of how that classes format was and it was a required class on the last year... managed to make up for it without taking 12 again, but so didn't like his teaching style.