If you have ever wondered; which mode of Fortnite Battle Royale is good for me? Then the comparison of the three modes will let you know the answer:
When you are playing solo, there are some things that can be done better in the solo. For instance, you will have the complete freedom to play the game according to your style and tactics. You can loot whatever you want, go wherever you want, land wherever you want, fight with whomever you want and so on. This freedom is not present in duo or squad. Also, you will not be dependent on someone else to watch your back neither someone else will be dependent on you. This lets you play freely and only care about watching your back. Also, you can do a lot of practice with the solo mode. You will be able to engage in battles to practice combat or you can also go to an isolated place to practice building. Also, if you have problems with a microphone, you can freely play in the solo mode.

The duo is great if you have a friend ready to play with you. You both can work on different tactics and strategies and then apply them in the game. Also, you will have a partner to watch your back and give you cover when you are opening chests, mining material, picking up enemy loot or consuming an item. You can do the same for them. But the problem is, you will not be able to play freely in the game as you will have to follow your teammate to some extent. But with the solo game, you can get bored after some time. This is because you will be playing alone and being alone can get you bored easily. Also, keep in mind that duo or squad can only be played smoothly if you have a good internet connection and no difficulties with your microphone or speakers.

This is the most fun. If you have friends who are playing with you then all four of you can go on and cause ultimate destruction in the game. You can make your own strategies and take our other squads. And besides just building and fighting, you guys will be talking to each other so it will be a lot of fun. It is just like a friendly gathering with an addition of a fun game. The best thing about squads is that you will have three more people to look your back so this gives an added security. Also, you will be four guys with enough material to speedily construct a fort in the end game. This benefit is not present in the solo mode and with duos, you will be two so it will be slow construction of a large fort.

So with this comparison, it is safe to say that solo mode of the game is best for practice and playing without any care. The duos is good for making strategies with your friend and implementing on them and the squad is great for fun mostly.