'Forza Motorsport 7' Update Improves Stability, Repairs Benchmark Mode

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Man, I remember when i would buy games as a kid and need to connect my PS1 to the internet to get the necessary patches just to play the game without it crashing.

I realize that games and technology are far more advanced and complicated to today, but the whole point of a development team is to make sure that you as a game company, or software company, are keeping up on changes. But when companies continue to cut R&D and invest in advertising we are slowing going to get to the point where people are selling nothing and making money. The only reason this works is because the statistics shows we will pay more for a new game and it doesn't have to be complete. Can we stop paying for nothing yet? I was literally going to get windows 10 and this game and pay full price because I was very excited to get one of my favorite games on PC, but that's literally out of the question now.
I've been playing it since 9pm PST on the 2nd with no issues what-so-ever. It's been well worth it. Screw that $100 VIP bundle though. What a ripoff!
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