Hey folks. Me again. Answering more questions for you. The price cap we put on this review was $400, so it was the price point, not so much the entry-level term that we were looking for. The plan is to go back and do more printers, MFPs and different systems at other levels. And of course, to get into color printers.Kyocera will be invited into future reviews. We had trouble getting them to commit on a short time frame for this one. I have personally tested quite a few Kyocera systems over the years and they have all been pretty good, so I am anxious to bring them in here for testing.Oki printers are also well-made and have won awards with other publications I have worked with, but as someone pointed out, they tend to target businesses and large workgroup environments. So we should be able to bring them in when we move into those areas.I will give some more thought tot he cost per page calculation. It's just that the cost of the cartridges changes quite a lot, which changes that number. Not as bad as the stock market, but perhaps beyond the scope of a performance review.Thanks for reading and commenting everybody!