[citation][nom]demonhorde665[/nom]i dont see why every one is dumping on this article, 1. not every one is rich enough to buy the latest hardware , however , some one might be able to afoord 1 or two of these bad babys. you look any where on teh web and you will see this card going for 100 - 110 US dollars at many diferent web sites for the budget gamer wanting to Run SLI and actully see good perfomance , ther just isnt a better choice since you can grap two of these puppies for 200 -220 Dollars (the 8800 gt for tow would still run 130 - 260) when you get on the budget 40 dollars is a big deal/ I have only one of these boards (i only ahve one slot for pci-e) and just one of these alone can run cyrsis rather respefuly (high -very high setting at 1280x1024 with 30-40 fps) I'm sure two would do a bit better. infact i ahvent sen anew game yet that compeltely ears my 9600 gt down.[/citation]
Ummm, yeah they just want their e-fantasy personal emotional trip high fufilled... they can grunt and ewww and awww and make their mommy and sister sick listening to them if they just have some special K.A. review to gawk about...
Funny thing is the other cards have already been reviewed, too.
If they talk smack and trash, it makes them feel like they know something, and have, instead of an empty mind, a comforted little inner child that tried to play big shot as a nobody on the internet, again.
PS - no scoffing at the 9600 sli marks, took near #1 a couple of times - so the whining red fanfairies can piss and moan some more and play in their sourpuss puddle.