These suicides won't stop with small/large changes in salary or management. They are being influenced by a little known problem discovered when it caused mental breaks for office workers forty years ago. The office cubicle was designed to deal with the vision startle reflex to stop it there.
Electronics assembly line workers use high mental investment as they make decisions, test, and position parts for insertion. They qualify for Cubicle Level Protection. Without it they will continue to have the mental break Subliminal Distraction is known to cause.
The same problem is happening at France Telecom. There have been more than twenty six suicides in the last two years. France Telecom bought modern workstations but either incorrectly installed them or made additions after installation to defeat Cubicle Level Protection. Workers cam also create the problem at home.
There is video taken by news crews that shows these two situations.
VisionAndPsychosis.Net has frame grabs from news video of the two locations.