Question FPS drops in a game when CPU clock drops [SOLVED]

Aug 6, 2020
Hello, I have been having this pretty annoying thing happening to me, when I am playing any game, being it a more recent game or even like a game from 2007, I seem to have FPS drops whenever my cpu clock speed drops.

I play on an old gaming laptop here are the specs


And my GPU is a GeForce GTX 965M

My laptop is not the best yes, but I think it should easily run a game like Medieval 2 Total War (a game from 2002) with NO FPS drops. I seem to have these on every game from CSGO to Lol, except for some odd ones out like CK2.


Right here is my CPU clock when i was playing Medieval 2. In number 1 is when I started playing and in number 2 is when the CPU clock speed dropped with my FPS. Keep in mind that these drops are from 60FPS to 30FPS making it very annoying. Sometimes these drops are more frequent. (Btw my cpu has a turbo mode which I deactivated to try and solve this problem, when I had the CPU clock on 3489 the drops still happened) (Also my cpu usage was, I think, normal staying around 40%) (Also in games with more demand for GPU, let´s say that my GPU was being used at 100%, when the FPS dropped, my CPU clock speed dropped AND my GPU usage dropped to like 30%)


And right here are my temps when I was playing Medieval 2. I think these are pretty good numbers for a laptop, so it is defenitly not overheating.

I can´t get my mind on what can be causing this, I am no expert in computer so any help is appreciated :)
Ok so after messing a bit with throttle stop I saw a bd prochot flashing in throttle stop whenever i had these drops adn whenever I hitted temps like 61 Celsius. My laptop was pretty much being limited to a temperature of 61 which was not good. So for anyone having the same trouble as I had I recommend you removing this limitation that you might have or change it. Run a stress test and if you see a bd protoch warning flashing


right in that red box it means that you are being throttled and therefore having FPS drops. Removing this limitation seemed to work for me. Keep in mind that you should do this if your PC or laptop has good cooling and doesn´t go too high on temps