FPS drops on Lowest Settings? (BF4)


Dec 5, 2013
I am so angry with my BF4 performance that i switched all settings to lowest and my FPS will still drop to 50 sometimes. Is there no solution to get 60FPS without Subsampling the game? Someone please help me out here.

i5 3570k
Radeon 7970
8gb 1600
win 7 64
1tb HDD

Things I have tried:
-Updated to newest drivers
-Unparked my cores
-defragmented my Hard drive

I would think this expensive GPU could play this game that looks almost the same graphically to BF3. I can get higher Framrates in Crysis 3(Lol, something must be wrong then). For the Framerates I am getting, i would expect this game to look AMAZING, but instead it looks probably a 20% better than BF3.

I am running a mild overclock and the max temps are around 80c, thats normal for an AMD 7970. And when i turn down the MSAA, i am not benefiting enough of a framerate for it to matter( like 5fps from 4x to none). My Framerate on ultra is 45-80FPS on max settings. I want to stop the stuttering down to 45, but it seems it happens no matter what settings i turn down. Could this be my CPU having problems? Not enough RAM?
I am using v sync that caps to 60 hz. But this is almost essential to me because i cant stand screen tearing. If i limit the game to 60fps and turn off v sync, would that stop the stuttering?