Before the fresh install of windows 10, i was getting 300 fps, watched some videos to help max my gaming experience, and got an SSD and so i wiped the other drives, well someone else did before i could back up all of my stuff still, and installed windows 10 onto the SSD fresh, and now im stuggling to maintain 80 fps in CS GO.. i cant find anything to help and all the visual settings are the same. do you guys have any suggestions, or ideas? cause im all out and its 4:41 am and im tired and want to go to bed but this is really bugging me and was wanting to get it done before going to bed..
cpu fx 9590
EVGA GTX 970 ssc
asrock 970a-g/3.1
16 gb ram
cpu fx 9590
EVGA GTX 970 ssc
asrock 970a-g/3.1
16 gb ram