[SOLVED] FPS issues with RX 580


Oct 25, 2013
4690k OC 4.8GHz
GTX 960
16GB Ram

I recently purchased a RX 580 and while playing World of Warcraft I have lost 5-10FPS compared to my GTX 960. Is there something I'm missing or is WoW just not AMD friendly?
the game could be nvidia friendly namely it could run better with a higher core speed amd has a lower core speed than nvidia as a general rule. also dx 11 / older titles run better on nvidia cards and newer titles run more or less equal. again i dont know what this game runs best on i would recommend a mild core over clock with msi afterburner
I have uninstalled all Nvidia Drivers before installing AMD drivers
I have a corsair CX600M
The GPU runs at about 60C and CPU runs at 50C

The GPU doesn't throttle its speed or anything just the FPS is lower for some reason
the game could be nvidia friendly namely it could run better with a higher core speed amd has a lower core speed than nvidia as a general rule. also dx 11 / older titles run better on nvidia cards and newer titles run more or less equal. again i dont know what this game runs best on i would recommend a mild core over clock with msi afterburner