Question FPS should be higher? 2060 - Ryzen 2600


Dec 21, 2013
OK, I know it's not a big deal put I am trying to improve my new build where I can. Playing Ultra on Rainbow Six Siege 1080p and getting around 75 FPS. I've watched some benchmarks on the same specs and the FPS was much higher - around 150.
Nothing is overclocked but I've changed all power-based settings to prefer max performance.
Temperatures are never too high. CPU is 60 max and GPU never goes above 80.
Parts listed below:

RTX 2060 6GB
Ryzen 5 2600
B450M Gaming 16GB DDR4
If you have v-sync turned on, it should cap the frame rate to your monitor's refresh rate. So if your monitor has a 75 Hz refresh rate, you'll be limited to 75 FPS with that setting active.

Otherwise, you might also make sure that you're not using a form of supersampling antialiasing, as that will effectively render the scene at a higher resolution and scale it down to fit your screen, resulting in a large hit to performance.
If you have v-sync turned on, it should cap the frame rate to your monitor's refresh rate. So if your monitor has a 75 Hz refresh rate, you'll be limited to 75 FPS with that setting active.

Otherwise, you might also make sure that you're not using a form of supersampling antialiasing, as that will effectively render the scene at a higher resolution and scale it down to fit your screen, resulting in a large hit to performance.
I actually have a 59.9 Hz monitor but V-Sync is turned off. I did a benchmark here are the results:
Did you check your Nvidia settings so it won't cap the FPS? I don't know exactly if it has that feature but AMD has a setting where you can adjust your max FPS globally no matter the game.
The only thing that matter is you're getting over 60 fps which is a must for a smooth gameplay. As long as you don't experience anything bad you should be fine. I could help you a little bit if you can send me a link to that benchmark you've watched.
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DLSS actually showed an improvement in many games fps and picture quality, ray-tracing showed a hit to performance. RT is great for slower open world type games, but kinda pointless in things like Forza or GTA, as you've driven past the detail before really even seeing it.

Things like setting grass detail a little lower can improve fps, as can changing (in nvcp) the global setting for pre-rendered frames from 3 to 1.
DLSS actually showed an improvement in many games fps and picture quality...
As far as I know, DLSS has only been added to a few games so far, and the general consensus now is that it is mostly useless. It has been shown to both perform worse and look worse than upscaling with a good TAA implementation that requires no special hardware, and it has a negatively impact on image quality in both Metro and Battlefield that makes everything excessively blurry. Could it improve? Maybe, but what's been shown so far isn't all that promising, especially since these were big Nvidia-sponsored titles used to showcase these new features. The hardware raytracing can at least improve visual quality to some extent in games that support it, even if the performance hit is large.

In any case, neither of these things affect Rainbow Six Siege, as it doesn't support either feature. : P
Your GPU is really underperforming. I have a msi gtx 1070 ti and i5 9600k and im gaming in all titles at 1440 p and ultra and in no game so far has the fps dropped below 70. (bf 5 100 fps, ow 140 fps) and so on... And you say you game at 1080p and ultra and getting around only 75 fps... (and i have not overclocked anything)
That's assuming it's the gpu.

Play 10 minutes at ultra settings. Notate the fps.
Drop settings to Low.
Play same scene again for 10 minutes. Notate the fps.

If there's a big jump in fps after switching to Low, then the issue is with the gpu.
If there's little or no change in fps, the issue is with the cpu.

Either way can be fault of drivers, both gpu drivers or motherboard drivers. Make sure bios/mobo chipset (audio, Lan, USB, Sata, pcie) are upto date.