France, Britain, and US Light Up Libya

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Read this story and tell me why the writer would want to explicitely point out that one of the snipers was blonde haired and female?


No ... it isn't.

This whole thing was cooked up by some extremist crackpot who wants to inflame things ... as the real story behind Tunisia unfolded a very different story emerged.

Much like the poor sensationalist reporting of the Fukushima nuclear power plant at present ... wildly disparate stories and some from "reputable" sources.

I won't believe anything from RV after their rambling blunders over the past week... but the chinese news services have been exemplary, as has the BBC and Reuters.

It really does pay to view your news from several sources before trying to make sense of things.

I balance the VOA and Christian Science Monitor against Al-Jazeera, and then check the two Chines news services, and the BBC and Reuters.

I won't believe anything I wrote about myself even If I remember things well enough to dispute what I said ... I could be wrong ... then again.
i will put a lid on it as reynod says but one last thing you mentioned roshchild they solely are esposible for the presnt turmoil facing the entire world and i can prove but as i have already said i have placed the lid on top
neo your a gentleman and a scholar.

I will look it up on the interntz and have a look though.

My point was that we should be able to discuss this rationally without getting upset.

Life should be more like cricket.
He got my previous point but you didn't ... lets get back ontopic.

You won't change a lad from Islamabad's views about the world in one discussion and I am sure he won't change your US values in a hurry either.

^ IIRC we also bought Alaska from Russia for $7M, and don't forget the Louisiana purchase from France. So I guess we "stole" those areas too 😛.

I did read that some Russian politico thinks they should take Alaska back from the USA. Might be worth considering if they take Sarah Palin with it 😀.

Finally, didn't the state of Israel exist back in Biblical times? If so, then it was the Palestinians who stole the land from the original Israelis..
Maybe some of those people ... or all of them were hallucinating?

That hunk of dirt doesn't look particularly appealing.

Now if it had been Miami, Malibu, Cottesloe Beach, I'd understand.

If we could only just get them all to play one day cricket ... I'm sure things would improve.

If India and Pakistan can get along there is no excuse for the rest.

This god guy needs a kick in the pants for stirring up so much trouble.

Perhaps the planets needs some good moderators??

It can be arranged. 😀

With NATO taking over though, it seems like they do not have the necessary commitments from member nations to enforce the no fly zone and protect civilians. So, the US is still heavily involved, at least equipment wise. Not to mention that Gaddafi's forces are using civilians as human shields now. Cowards. None the less, there is a bit of good news, as Gaddafi has written a letter to Obama to ask him to stop with the bombings. Word from London is that Gaddafi said he would go, but one of his equally evil sons would have to take over. I'm sure the president will oblige, so long as Gaddafi and his family, i.e. sons leave the county.

O i know. We are a huge part of NATO. I was pointing out that our idea of pulling most of our forces out of the operation is kind of backfiring in the sense that the other member nations do not want any part of the operation or do not want to contribute enough resources.
I studied these two links hard but could not connect them to the current topic.

I think therefore that it is highly likely that yyk is much smarter than us so we should just nod and agree with him.

The talk of sending US troops into Libya (along with other international troops) is starting to gain traction. I'm all for the Libyans trying to get rid of this guy, but I'm not sure that they can do it on their own. Actually, they probably cannot. If troops are to go in, they should be under the guise of NATO or the UN. From there the objective should be simple: get rid of Gaddafi and get out.
I say no western troups in Libya.

Leave things as they are and get better intel.

Put the Arab Nations in charge of the operation so the world can see they want to drive the solution.

This will go a long way to healing some rifts.

Any other altenative doesn't seem right.

Ah ... I'd like to differ on a couple of things there.

Best equipped Is a yes.

Best trained is a no as the US has a specialisation approach to their military where other forces that have a cross-trained approach I'd argue are better when the size of a given opponent is the same.

Just my 20 cents worth ... don't shoot me.
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