Okay, if Windows 10 was SOOOO awesome, the way Windows 7 was when it hit the market. Then well over 90% of the non-enterprise user base would have upgraded to the FREE Windows 10. I mean its **FREE**, not the usual $100~150 upgrade for the past 15 years. I sure as hell would have jumped on it.
The way it was setup, people pretty much has the ability to install Win10 without having an older Windows installed (beta W10 - right?)
Sure, folks have their rights to like Windows 10, hell - more power to them. Many people just went ahead and just took it to not deal with the pop-ups.
But the constant malware MS has been putting into Win7 & 8 patches says BAD-MOJO! Its what criminals & scam artists do. If they have a legit product, it should stand on its OWN without having to mess with people's computers. Like constantly nagging them, changing the KB updater files. Hell, you can tell the Windows Update TO NOT SHOW ME the damn WIN10 KB files... but next month, its BACK AGAIn - you know, in case you changed your damn mind.
I kind of get why MS added the "telemetry" garbage to W7/8 updates... so if YOU are going to get raped my MS anyway - might as well go with the latest OS, right? Sure... that's your choice. Ever read the EULA? MS has and CAN change the EULA without you quite knowing it. When you AGREE to ANY and ALL updates from MS, no matter what. They can legally change the RULES on you anytime. They can lock up your computer, they CAN copy all your data and erase your HD if they had a rule saying they could. Hell, maybe they'll go to MONOCHROME!
MS has been vauge when it comes to the future of their dekstop OS. Look what they did to 8.0 > 8.1. "If you want updates, YOU must have 8.1, no matter what" So once Win10 hits about 40% markethshare I bet intresting things will be happening... to screw over their users.
And *IF* you don't like it... TOO BAD. Those of us who DIDN'T like Win8 or 9 or 10. We can and DID keep our systems as Win7 (42% of the market)
So, here is the OTHER confusion that *IS* microsoft OS. When your PC dies, or you want to upgrade your hardware... well, your Win10 died with your old computer. Even if you bought Win7Retail - Win10 effectively murdered your Win7 key. So your home built PC upgrade is going to cost you $200 for Win10xPro (USB flash drive inc) so you can do re-installs.
There are so many UN-KNOWNS when it comes to Windows10 future. See, as MS said "Windows 10 is free" but what if MS came out with a NEW OS, and its not called "Windows"? And since you have NO ability to disable updates - you get the NEW OS that requires monthly or yearly payments for you to have full access to the OS and/or your files? Nothing in the world STOPS MS from doing this to Windows10 users.
Win10 Enterprise will costs $7 a MONTH to use. This was announced on July 14, 2016. As I recall, Win10 has been out for almost year BEFORE Microsoft made this announcement. Enterprise users will have no say in this. Thats $84 a year.
So let say in 1017, MS decides to charge HOME / PRO users $5 a month to use WinX? That $60 a year. Microsoft wins. not only do they make money selling your "telemetry" to anyone they want. But they are making $60 a year off your hide (Again, this is an example speculation)
So those of us who paid $100~150 for Windows 7 (H/Pro), can use it for 5~10s and only have paid that $150 (OEM).
For WinX, 5~10 years in yearly fees = $300~600 (5~10 years). Thats great profit for Microsoft.. whats $60 to you?
Or how about that user who buys a Dell with WinX. First year free, but for the next 5 years - thats $300 - ouch!
Windows 7 was *IS* my last Microsoft OS, period. When it comes to Linux upgrades/ new installs. There is NO CONFUSION. Download it and install. Are there KEYS to register? NO!
Is there a OEM vs retail version? NO.
Is there a starter, home, Pro editions with different price points and upgrade costs between the types? NO!
Do you have to upgrade your LinuxOS? NO. (but you should. can't beat the price).
There is no piracy, no privacy issues with Linux as there is with Windows. When you upgrade your PC or replace it due to failure, theft - you don't pay a dime to install Linux. With MS, you WILL PAY - somehow or another.
Anyone remember the Office 2013 Fiasco? You could drop $500 for Office2016 Pro, which is DL and installed onto your notebook. If your notebook is stolen or destroyed the next month, your Office 2013 died with it! Yep, you had to drop another $400 to replace the software! After a few months, MS changed this. MS also allowed you to install MSO onto two computers (for your desktop and notebook) - but not anymore. So if you need two installs, you're going to pay double. WIN WIN for Microsoft.
Really think Microsoft is going to DO ANYONE any favors?
Open Office and Libre Office are pretty much on par with MSO2003. Has some extras, missing some (Outlook). But you can't beat the price for a standard that works on Windows, Linux & Macintosh.
The typical person DOES NOT need a Windows PC anymore. The PC isn't going to vanish, but it will be a much smaller market than it is now. Want proof? Check out Best buy or Walmarts PC dept and compare it to their mobile and tablet areas.
I grew up when the PC market was born, when the AppleII and Commodore 64 were State of the Art. I use my 5" phone 50% of the time now as compared to my top end intel i5 PC with its 24" display. My younger wife uses her Samsung Note phone 99.9% of the time for her computer needs. Most of our gaming is now a Playstation hooked to a 60" TV, if - not on our phones. Our relatives are using their phones as their computers.
So when do *WE* mostly use our PCs for? Work. At work. My business is in the computer field - so my PC is not used for gaming much anymore... its why I still have an ATI 4000 series video card. But I do plan to get a NEW AMD gaming card for $200 this year to last me another 6+ years.
The Windows platform is becoming irreverent for most people. MS failure with WindowsPhone is going to hurt them the long run.
And that is a GOOD THING.