Freesync monitor with Nvidia GPU experiences?


Sep 23, 2010
I recently purchased all the parts to build my computer and the two things I'm concerned with on my purchase is the GTX 1080 and the 27" 1440p 144hz IPS Freesync monitor.

I understand that Nvidia GPUs are not compatible with the AMD Freesync Technology. However, I saw this video:

So it seems like 'from this video' even without the Freesync or G-sync technology, you wont experience screen tearing even if I crank of the graphic settings in-game and sacrifice some fps. Is there anyone out there that did this and had good or bad experiences with a Nvidia GPU and Freesync monitor?

In addition, if I was to experience that, is Fast Sync a temporary solution until the developers develop cross brand compatibility?
Simple answer: Nvidia GPU + free sync monitor -> turn off free sync and it is a regular monitor. Some may experience stuttering, some may not, depending on your individual card and monitor. You can still use Vsync/adaptive vsync to help smoothing if there are any stutterings, but you may don't need to if you are lucky. Gsync will be best to smooth out any stutterings within the Gsync FPS range, just too expensive.
Simple answer: Nvidia GPU + free sync monitor -> turn off free sync and it is a regular monitor. Some may experience stuttering, some may not, depending on your individual card and monitor. You can still use Vsync/adaptive vsync to help smoothing if there are any stutterings, but you may don't need to if you are lucky. Gsync will be best to smooth out any stutterings within the Gsync FPS range, just too expensive.
Freesync only works with AMD GPUs, so in essence, it's just a 1440p 144hz monitor with an Nvidia GPU. Therefore the same logic applies with screen tearing as it would with a regular monitor (V-Sync, etc).

Just use V-Sync if possible. You probably won't reach far over 144hz anyway at 2k. Don't expect Freesync/G-Sync cross compatibility, at least not for a good long time. I'd be surprised if Nvidia started working with AMD to make the two cross-compatible. If any other company made a monitor capable of both technologies, it'd be wildly expensive and neither Nvidia nor AMD would be very happy about it (I would think).
At higher fps on high hz monitors, screen tearing is not nearly as evident. You wont experience screen tearing if you use v-sync. The issue with v-sync is it creates some input lag. The input lag is really only noticeable in quick twitch first person shooters or highly competitive games. So if you turn on v-sync, you wont worry about screen tearing, but there maybe some lag.

Since you have a 1080 and are pushing a 1440p monitor, you are going to get some really good FPS, therefore screen tearing will be less evident, even if you have v-sync turned off. But 4k at 60hz, the screen tearing is much more noticeable and gsync makes more sense, if you can afford it. I would not worry about it at all unless you are into highly competitive games.
Ya freesync was intended to be for all GPU types and brands. But nvidia was afraid that they are not abel to sell there G-sync monitors so there was threats about a lawsuit. Technically G-sync and freesync and will work with other cards too, it just a driver implementation. Also true with the API but this is more severe and Nvidia knows if it is open source, AMD want make money on it. The G-sync modules are about 100 euros in nvidias pocket per monitor sell. Unfortunately that's why we will never see it. Corperat greed can be terrible and hold everone back.