I've had this desktop for a while now. It always had an audio stutter and freeze which constantly disconnected me from Discord, but it didn't cause much more of a hassle than that so I left it. However, recently I've crashed from this and on the most recent crash a very disturbing and hard-to-explain visual glitch occurred on my screen.
My last crash caused the standard audio stutter, best described as a BRRRR sound. But, usually, the screen freezes for a moment. But, twice now I've crashed, and the second time the frozen screen turned black with the odd red and blue line (curved) set in the monitor as the pixels seem to latch onto somthing. I've never seen this before; honestly, it is hard to describe. Any thoughts or assistance would be fantastic, thanks.
I've had this desktop for a while now. It always had an audio stutter and freeze which constantly disconnected me from Discord, but it didn't cause much more of a hassle than that so I left it. However, recently I've crashed from this and on the most recent crash a very disturbing and hard-to-explain visual glitch occurred on my screen.
My last crash caused the standard audio stutter, best described as a BRRRR sound. But, usually, the screen freezes for a moment. But, twice now I've crashed, and the second time the frozen screen turned black with the odd red and blue line (curved) set in the monitor as the pixels seem to latch onto somthing. I've never seen this before; honestly, it is hard to describe. Any thoughts or assistance would be fantastic, thanks.