Hello, for a while I've been getting BSOD mostly while playing games. High end games such as gta, cod and battlefield all crash giving me various errors but easier to run games such as factorio and from the depths also crash but much less than the others, but I still get BSOD during them. The most common errors are IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL and MEMORY_MANAGEMENT along with some others, these seem to be memory related and I contacted corsair and they said they'd replace them. I've sent them over, but I don't think they've left the country yet :/ (this was a few months ago) so I ended up buying the same sticks of brand new ram. Everything should be up to date including windows, the bios and all the drivers. I got sick of it so I just wiped my computer, but this still hasn't fixed it. I ran memtest86 before I sent the ram away and it came up with no errors and I ran the windows memory diagnostic tool and that came up with no errors. Any help would be appreciated, thank you.
Mobo: MSI B450 gaming plus
CPU: Ryzen 5 3600
GPU: Rx580
RAM: Corsair Vengance LPX 2x8 3200mhz
PSU: Corsair VS550
OS: Windows 10
Some minidumps https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/hoco...ps.paper?dl=0&rlkey=62dhijg6htty1eu4353694uyf
Mobo: MSI B450 gaming plus
CPU: Ryzen 5 3600
GPU: Rx580
RAM: Corsair Vengance LPX 2x8 3200mhz
PSU: Corsair VS550
OS: Windows 10
Some minidumps https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/hoco...ps.paper?dl=0&rlkey=62dhijg6htty1eu4353694uyf