Fresh Windows 7 x64 Freezing Issue


Oct 26, 2011
New person here, but I have ab it of an issue, just built a new computer, as I was way overdue, put everything together, checked components, ran a ram test, everything was peachy, went to install the OS....

Goes through the initial..copying windows files, expanding windows files, applying updates etc etc I get through that, then when the computer reboots, it freezes on starting windows, sometimes will restart, sometimes will blue screen, but more often than not, it just freezes, my BIOS is working perfectly, and the other components show no signs of direct issue.


Does your installation DVD have any major scratches ?? :heink: If yes the installation fails like you faced..........
Hello... when you get it to "re-start"... can you go into your control panel-device manager- and report back any Driver/components with yellow or red marks by them?... also give us a list of components/brands that you are using with your new build.

Sounds like a driver/hardware problem to me... Don't always use the windows suggested upgrades for all the hardware when you go to the upgrades page... I found better drivers from the MFG'r sites than Microsofts... they were the cause of my problems... example being the Graphic card drivers and network drivers always caused me problems...

Only install critical upgrades... not suggested... they are for just certain hardware/software situations.

Are you using a SSD drive on this installation?

Also did you install this on a clean/new hardrive? you may have to re-format and re-install operating system... something glitched.

Brand new hard drive, just built the PC two days ago

List of components:

Seagate 1.5TB LP Serial ATA Hard Drive - 5900/64MB/SATA-6G

NZXT PHAN-001WT Phantom Full-Tower Case

Corsair TX850W Power Supply - 850W, ATX, 80Plus

Corsair CMZ16GX3M4A1600C9 Vengeance 16GB PC12800 DDR3 RAM - 1600MHz, 4x4096MB, Non-ECC, Unbuffered

AMD FD6100WMGUSBX FX-6100 Processor - Six Core, 8MB L3 Cache, 6MB L2 Cache, 3.30GHz (3.90GHz Max Turbo), Socket AM3+, 95W, Fan, Unlocked, Retail

MSI 970A-G45 9 Series AM3+ Motherboard - ATX, Socket AM3+, AMD 970 Chipset, 2133MHz DDR3

MSI R6870 Twin FrozrII Radeon HD 6870 Video Card

As i said, this is a brand new build..
And the first build I've ever done.....Just wanting to get it up and running, the Bios is detecting everything as far as i can see, and I've tried both IDE and AHSCI in the sata settings....
Not using solid state
Hello... which windows version are you loading?... and do you have another computer on-line to download drivers needed?

This is what I would do... we are going to install hardware and drivers... ONE at A TIME

1) shut off your onboard sound and network card card in your BIOS...
2) Please re-install your windows version and do not have windows do the automatic upgrades thing...
3) Re-boot... and reboot a few more times... make sure windows is starting every time... dont worry about graphic resolution yet... dont change any thing...

Everything fine? at this point? Windows reboots over and over agian?

5) time for the latest or greatest driver for you video card... Download it to some device... CD/thumb drive....etc...
6) Boot windows and install the graphic card driver... Reboot as needed... and set desired resolution for your screen...
7) Re-boot... re-boot a few more times... make sure windows is starting everytime...


64 bit windows 7, i do have access to another computer, but theres nowhere in the installation to keep from doing the auto updates?
Or maybe im missing something completely.. :)
thank you so very much for the continued help 😀 Its appreciated
Hello... Yes you always have the option to not install the updates... " no, not at this time" buttons... click that...

That is why I'm having you turn off your network and on-board audio hardware in the BIO's... windows can't update without a network card too... ; )

I have Windows7 64 too... and have been building computers since 1990's... and can walk you through this... are you ready and understand my steps so far?

We will get Windows7 64 loaded with Just the Graphics card and Disk provided software...

We will add the other hardware later... and will install our chosen driver later for them... The first Test here is getting your Graphics card and Windows7 64 to re-boot normally agian...

I will check back in an hour...

Okay, cool ill have to search for le buttons when i get to the house, im on call at the moment but that will be my walkthrough as soon as I hit the house...
Where in the install process would that option be...

From what I've been doing, it takes me to the install now button(other option is repair computer)

then to the agreement,followed by custom or upgrade, then to which drive i want to install it to...after that, it just installs
Ok... where I want you to start is a complete reload of the windows operating system on your hardrive...

like previous instructions...

1) boot to your BIOS screen... un enable your NETwork card and on-board Audio...

2) set boot priority to your DVD drive... save settings... reboot with your Windows7 64 install disk.

3) find the screen to REMOVE your previous partition from the harddrive... FRESH INSTALL!!!! Clean Drive...

4) re-boot ( with Windows7 64 in the DVD drive ) find the screen to CREATE a partition on the harddrive...

5) re-boot ( with Windows7 64 in the DVD drive ) find the screen to Quick Format the Drive/Partition...

6) get to the screen to start window7 64 install... and start using all default directory and locations as windows will ask for...

The automatic UPGRADE question will not be addressed untill we get windows installed... and the Graphic Card drivers properly set up... and your computer starts to boot windows properly... agian and agian and agian...

Remember there is no network card turned on in your bios... when we get to this point of install...

so to clarify, i go through the install process on the dvd, get to the partition selection, format the drive back to clean and new, restart and go through the process again?

or select the partition, install, and continue that way
Hello... if you remove the partiton it is the fastest way to clean a drive... but you must re-boot every time you do a partiton operation... so you must re-boot removing it...and Re-boot making a new one... the FACTS of LIFE...

after you have the New partiton made... you will need windows to format it NTFS... two options here... Quick or Normal... with a 1.5T drive that could take over 2 hours!!!... so for our test here... lets have you do the Quick format...

after that start the Windows install process...

I'm sorry... me bad... on my instructions before... I edited that post...

Bear with me as i am new at this, but with the New Hard drive, aside from inside the install untility, theres nowhere for me to format or partition the drive
Hello... *gives you a BEAR HUG*.... YUP... it's no big deal... thats what a Startup disk is good for with any older Windows version too... allows you format a drive and other kinds of Disk operations... This is a "Normal" install should use...

Don't get strung out on side programs and other so called "Utillities" others might suggest... Basic Windows operating proceedure... using the Disk you have in hand...

By the way are you home now? cause I could go back to doin a few things off the net...

No, im still out on call, i won't be home until what looks like around 8:30 central time..:/ long call

The only disk partitioning options i've seen are in the natural install process, and im not aware how much to partition etc etc.

But i do have it reformatted to one drive, no partitions, and its clean clean clean

also, this entire time, i've left the internet disconnected from the machine
Hello... All Disk operations and screens can be found using F-keys and referenced at bottom of the screen... when the Windows Disk has booted...

to make things simple... lets just have one partition... at 1.5Tb size... and format the drive for that... your modern motherboard and Windows7 64 should allow that.

I'm central time too here... will check back later... and please follow my proceedure.

mmkay, the drive is just 1.5 TB so ill let it handle that itself. 😀 okay cool ill get on that when i hit the house
Hello... well ok lets start with the windows install then... since you have it re-partitioned... that will take awhile... follow windows instruction carefully as you proceed... when it suggests setting up anything Auto-matic in program features... REMEMBER "not at this time " option... such as firewall and upgrades!!!!!
Do you have a cell phone to call me...??? im going to suggest next to remove some of that massive amount of RAM you have now... there is hardware problem now... also to get the options you might have to choose "Custom" install...

you computer will load windows with just 1 stick of ram... all that ram might need some Voltage tweeking...