Fried reference RX 480 8gb worth


Sep 20, 2017
My sister dropped water all over my old system and fried my Graphics Card (everything else too). Plugged into my new system and sizzled. So definitely broken. Someone wants to buy it but idk how much I should give it to him for. How much would a broken reference RX 480 8gb be worth with box. Should I try to repair it myself? Should I just let him have it and charge shipping?
Firstly, does the buyer know that it's suffered permanent damage? If the graphics card also suffered water damage, then the warranty is void, so there is no hope of RMA there.

Since it's now a non-functioning card, it would be worth less than $50-100 AUD.

100% he knows. I jokingly told him if he was interested in purchasing a broken graphics card and said he actually may be interested. He said he might use it as a display piece if it’s cheap.
Have you actually tested it? If not, that's why he wants it. There's a chance it might work. As for how much, you should let him pay for shipping and hear his offer. There is no set price for working cards, so no one can say how much a dead card is worth. Whatever you can get for it is what it's worth.

edit: "Plugged into my new system and sizzled." did you notice what 'sizzled'? Can you see anything blown or burnt on it?

Yeah, 100% doesn’t work. I placed it in an entirely new system and it started sizzling. So I powered it off. I’m thinking of trying to RMA but I can’t find out how and I never have before. It’s a Gigabyte RX480. Would I just contact support? I have only the card as I guess I threw away the box when it was fried
RMA is for when you buy a card and it doesn't work, not for when it was destroyed accidentally. The manufacturer can't help you and if you RMA a card that has water damage they will be able to tell very easily and will send it right back to you and possibly charge you for shipping out of spite.

I killed my 570GTX with coffee. I bought a 770GTX and a coffee mug that has a sealable lit. It wasn't EVGAs fault.