Friend´s GTX 980 boosts itself to 1449Mhz, mine not?


Aug 9, 2015
Recently a friend of mine with an EVGA GTX 980 told me that his card boosts itself up to 1449Mhz, without userspecific OC. He said that he just raised the Power Limit to 122%.

I have an GTX 980 Gaming 4G from MSI and my card caps at 1329Mhz... thats strange. I did the same thing as him.
1. Power Limit to 122%
2. Fan Speed to 100%
3. Launch BF4
4. He gets 1449Mhz and i 1329Mhz max.

Why is that? EVGA´s card has a Boost clock around 1380Mhz according to EVGA´s website
Mine has 1370Mhz according to MSI website.

His Setup has DDR4 while mine has DDR3 but that shouldnt be the problem here am i right?

I would want to look at the bios file for that card, I bet you would not see nvidia reference values for the core clock/boost clock/power limit etc if that is true. GPU boost can only go so far.

He bought it from Amazon. A normal EVGA GTX 980. How can that be OC´d by the factory? Wouldn´t they want more money for an extra OC´d card?

How do you know its a "normal" one? Theres OC versions, SC versions, FTW versions etc etc etc.

No they arent always significantly more expensive.

So, he went lucky? That could happen with MSI models too?


What I mean is,, have you see the exact model name of what he bought?

Well this one:


Yep, thats the "superclocked" version, which is overclocked from the factory.

But still. Specs says "Boost: 1367MHz".


Doesnt matter, thats how GPU boost 2.0 works, if you increase the clock speed, it gives it the flexibility to boost higher. If you check the boost clock of yours, you will find its still boosting higher than the rated boost clock.

For example, the Boost clock reads at 1850 (roughly) on my gtx 1060, but it actually boosts to around 2100mhz when under load.
He basically has a better GPU than you. Either in the variant, or binning. In binning, it's just usually luck of the draw. Don't worry much about the boost clock. There is no fixed boost clock anyway. They vary from card to card, depending on the variant, binning, temperature, etc.
he got a sweet card and luck of the draw was on his side -- is all about gpu boost 2.0 in this case [3.0 for 10 series]

all your guaranteed is listed clocks anything you get over that is gravy mine is a listed boost 1228 but out of the box it will boost to 1375 stock so

if he got a more efficient card then it will boost higher .. I see reports as high as 1500 out of the box

in the end luck of the draw was on his side and not so much for you but your not hurting .

don't forget the 980 ''ti'' if a full chip the 980 is not and cut back -- titan the best - 980 ti - 980 - with the 970 being the scraps use to make them up

so a 980 uses parts that failed to make 980ti or titans but better then whats used in a 970 so you cant compare them as you are anyway

read up on how NVidia gpu boost 2.0 and 3.0 work and you can see

Thats not true, the 980 ti and Titan use a different GPU part to the 980 and 970. The 980 is the fully enabled GM204, with the 970 being a cut back version. The Titan and 980 use GM200 which is a different GPU, the titan being fully enabled with the 980 ti being cut back.

I did goof that sorry, but the point is the same and I'm not talking about your overclock I'm talking about out of the box stock

any way he's comparing apples to peaches and gpu boost has a lot to do with it

poorer card = poorer boost clocks lesser chip the same s far as being hard locked that all gigabytes doing and you may need to do a v-bios mod cause that's where it at don't you see where gigas 900 cards are there lowest rated at newegg at best 50% satisfaction reated ?? now why is that ??

hard to pick a card that low in standing to start with with hat many reviews should be at least 70% like other brands hold ???

bottom line is his buddy got in good on luck of the draw if it boosts to 1449 out of the box stock with out any overclock . that's all there is to it
I know how GPU boost works, if you look up I already said about that, but the fact is the EVGA card has a higher overclock from the factory (ITS THE SUPERCLOCKED VERSION), which is the reason for the higher boost clock.... Its not running stock speed.
ok , if you say so funny how my reference pcb 980ti out of the box boosts higher that some classy's now what ??

shows you don't know what your talking about

mine is a listed boost 1228 but out of the box it will boost to 1375 stock with out any overclocking plug and play as is ?? so now what do you say ??

his card is better if his gets 1400 some guys are lucky to get the speced rate enen in the samer card you can get 10 of them and none will boost the same

anyway you need to read up


I would want to look at the bios file for that card, I bet you would not see nvidia reference values for the core clock/boost clock/power limit etc if that is true. GPU boost can only go so far.